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"He hits - it means he loves, he killed - it means he loved..." black humorTear-stained eyes, a frightened look, the atmosphere is heated to the limit, there is a smell of trouble in the air... Fights without rules on family arena. The husband plays the role of a fighter. The remaining roles are played by members of the household. A man is a priori considered the protector of his family, but how does it happen that from a protector he turns into a merciless tyrant? Is it possible to foresee this? How to recognize it? As a rule, the roots of the situation must be sought in childhood. However, there are several criteria by which it is still possible to recognize the future family tyrant. 1. Alcohol abuse (and other addictions). Of course, it is worth paying attention to whether a man’s level of aggression increases after drinking alcohol. Often such men like to demonstrate their courage in front of women, and because of any small remark or joke heard on the street or in a restaurant, they immediately rush at the “offender” with their fists. And here the future wife should think about whether she will soon become the object of his aggression. 2. Environment (social environment). If a man has been in an environment for a long time in whose value system the ability to work with fists occupied the first place, then there is little hope that an attempt to come to an agreement with him through dialogue will be crowned with success. This social environment includes not only places of deprivation of liberty, but also, unfortunately, orphanages, the army and other similar closed institutions. 3.Attitude towards people. If a man is arrogant, pointedly contemptuous of others (in particular women), does not want to notice his own mistakes, constantly blames and condemns other people, then it is naive to expect different behavior towards his wife (symptoms usually appear even during the sweet-bouquet period of courtship). 4. Unsuccessful past relationships. If a man has already had relationships with other women that were interrupted due to his use of violence, these are very serious reasons to think about how happy your family life with him will be. 5. Low level of intelligence. People who are poorly developed mentally often tend to solve their problems using physical methods due to the fact that they are not able to see other ways to satisfy their desires. What should those who have not recognized do? You can try to stop aggression, however, there are, of course, no universal means. It is definitely important to take into account the psychological and physical characteristics of a man, whether he is drunk or sober and where the violence occurs, so in each specific case something different can stop it. In one case, only a police outfit will help, in the other, it’s enough just to threaten with punishment. Any wife still knows her husband, his strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes it’s enough just not to provoke him into aggression, to put off a “thorny” conversation or reproaches, not to inflame situation. This is especially true for those moments when the husband is drunk. If a woman in such a situation does not allow her emotions to get the better of her, if she calculates how this could end, then the conflict does not escalate, and violence can be avoided by building her own defense. You can prepare some escape routes so that you can leave on time, or, conversely, lock the door in front of a potential rapist, call someone in time, and don’t delay calling the police. Is there a limit? If a person commits violence regularly, if he commits it in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, if he revels in his own strength and does not regret it at all, then he NEEDS to put an end to it. If a woman is beaten in front of a child, if the child suffers from it, or if a father beats a child, beats him brutally , then YOU NEED TO PUT A PERIOD. No objections like “oh, what about a child without a father!” not accepted! Scenes of violence are a very scary phenomenon for a child’s psyche that cannot be tolerated. This can greatly affect the fate of the child, his development, his formation, his behavior patterns,.
