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From the author: What prevents us from living happily? Inhale the air deeply, enjoy the world of color, colors, tastes, smells? It turns out there aren't that many things. Two of them are presented in the article! The problem of restrictions and susceptibility to the stereotypical influence of the masses is one of the key deep problems in a person’s perception of himself. We’ve encountered how, as soon as you start dreaming about something, you realize that “it’s not for me.” And the point is not that for reasons of health or material wealth this is unattainable. This is because we simply put a block on any new business for ourselves. We have completely forgotten how to dream and realize, becoming more and more accustomed to the fact that “I can’t do this.” Social stereotypes are what prevents us from becoming ourselves in the first place. “How can I buy myself a long, airy dress if my friends wear jeans?” “Can I listen to the rock that I loved so much for several years in my youth? My family won’t understand me!”, “I have to stay at home with the child. After all, if I go to work, what will my environment say!” Now you understand what we're talking about. We are used to living the way society has decided. Of course, it is impossible to live in absolute isolation from society and public opinion, but key life decisions require will, independence, adventure, if you like. Do you really want to buy clothes that you think few people wear? Buy! Do you want to listen to music that you think is outdated (or not popular)? Listen! Do you want to dedicate your life to work? Work! You have the right to do what your inner self requires of you. Listen to yourself. There, inside, lives a little person who knows how to want and dream, regardless of patterns. Another significant difficulty that one has to face is limitations. Few people realize how many frameworks we have created for ourselves, believed in them, and learned to adjust our entire way of life (including our loved ones) into these frameworks. Just listen to some phrases: “I can’t eat a piece of cake - otherwise my figure will suffer greatly,” “I can’t go to visit friends because my wife (my husband) will be against it, saying that it’s not normal to visit without her (him)”, “I have to return from work exactly at 17:30, otherwise my wife will think about the existence of another woman”, “cleaning the house needs to be done today, because it’s dirty!” Do you feel what we're talking about again? We create limitations for ourselves by believing in them. Will a piece of cake really ruin your figure? Or is the whole point that someone basically ignores moderate physical activity? We really can’t figure out relationships in the family, discuss and discuss the procedure for visiting girlfriends/friends? Is your spouse really worried about cheating or is the problem a lack of trust in the first place? Does cleaning have to be done today? And if family members have serious health problems, the home environment will not remain intact until tomorrow? But we are completely confident in our patterns and limitations. We are strictly sure that it is so “necessary”, that it is so “correct”, that it is impossible to do otherwise. There are a lot of funny little things in our everyday life that we didn’t even think about, but we always followed these household rules, because it’s “necessary” - and who, why and why - we are of little interest in this question. A good example is the process of making pancakes. We are accustomed to the fact that you need to knead the dough with a whisk, and it is quite difficult to see another person who prefers a blender or mixer. Isn't it?..Expand the map of your actions. Create. Destroy the stereotypes within yourself. Get away from restrictions. Often we drive ourselves into a prison that is hardly noticeable to anyone. Today you can be free! Please leave! Good luck!..
