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From early childhood, when parents read fairy tales, children form an idea of ​​an ideal partner. Thanks to fairy tales, a child learns what love is and gets acquainted with the world of relationships between a man and a woman. Formation of an impeccable image With the help of a fairy-tale myth, imagination and fantasy develop. The main characters are usually ideal characters and possessors of positive qualities. Each fairy tale ends with a happy ending, and the heroes live happily ever after with their lover. Thus, children's ideas and attitudes about the optimal companion in real life are formed. Many boys, from childhood, dream of meeting a beautiful princess or sleeping beauty who will fill his life with the colors of love and happiness. And only with her will he be happy. Girls are more romantic and sensitive. They dream of a ship with scarlet sails. And each of them wants to be little Assolya, who will feel the protection and love of her Gray. Gradually, all children's fairy-tale fantasies move into the real world and make them think about a real life partner. Psychologists say that the standard is the biggest illusion and in real life it is impossible to have a 100% combination of the best image and life partner. As long as there is freedom and a feeling of loneliness, every person can dream of an exemplary relationship and a fabulous soul mate. But as soon as you burst into the world of reality and meet a potential partner, your dreams immediately break against the wall into hundreds of small fragments. The realization comes that the real partner does not possess certain qualities and does not correspond to the imaginary image of a prince or princess. Falling in love passes, the feeling of a fairy tale disappears and you can take off your rose-colored glasses. And again, the search for that one and only soulmate begins. Every person is imperfect and a feeling of complete satisfaction is not always achieved. This is especially difficult to achieve in a couple, when two imperfect people are trying to create an infinitely happy family. Virtual dating The Internet expands the search for a single and perfect partner. Acquaintance takes place virtually, based only on correspondence and photos. Such relationships are formed only in one direction, one on one with oneself. Excellent virtual relationships and love arise. This is how an image is formed from a fairy tale, fantasies and desires. Virtual relationships cannot be called a strong and happy union. The feeling of love and romance goes away after the first real meeting. It is replaced by disappointment and pain, the carriage turns into a pumpkin and the world of the fairy tale disappears with the first chime. The secret of an ideal relationship Psychologists say that the best relationships and a happy union are possible under the condition of complete harmony and are possible if the couple follows the rules of pure connections:• the basis of strong love is impossible without mutual understanding, if the partner is not ready and does not want to accept his soulmate with all the advantages and disadvantages, then it is better to end such a union• the desire to hear and listen is another important aspect, because understatement and silence can destroy even the strongest ties• the ability to trust each other, mistrust and tests of strength can destroy even the strongest love• a sense of team spirit, expressed in caring for each other, help and patience in forming a family union• personal space is an opportunity to be alone, meet friends, do what you love hobby, and preserve the best that exists between partners. Adhering to such simple rules, it is possible to make an unearthly image a real life partner. Subscribe to the blog Click “Thank you”. I am always grateful for your activity. Write in the comments your opinion about this article. INSTGR_LINK© All rights reserved. Expert on addiction/codependency Burenkov D.V. For consultation Whatsapp: 8-918-253-73-83
