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The idea of ​​the special project: to understand from the photo of the bag who its owner is. Photo 1 Elena Babievskaya: The first thing that catches your eye is that there are only three colors: black, white and orange - all the contents of the bag are in these tones. Everything is very laconic, elegant, neat - nothing superfluous, nothing provocative or out of the general style. The image of a housewife: a modern young woman, 25-35 years old, works in an office, has exquisite taste and a sense of style, but is squeezed into strict boundaries - external, internal, or both. Her life motto: “Everything must be perfect.” She knows how to color her black and white everyday life, but she lacks the courage and freedom to break out of the given format. There is a lot of pent-up aggression that she periodically directs at herself. I would like to wish her to be kinder to herself, praise herself more and scold herself less, learn to defend her rights and expand her boundaries. Perhaps the heroine should even change her job in favor of greater independence and space for creativity, creativity and the sense of humor that she has, or at least allow herself to fool around and do stupid things on weekends. Evgeniya, 27 years old, photo editor: This is a standard set that is in my purse every day. I completely agree with the opinion of the psychologist, my personality is described very accurately, even barely noticeable features are noticed. I'm just thinking about changing jobs. The recommendations are quite valuable, I will take them into account. Photo 2 Elena Babievskaya: A very harmonious image of a young, cheerful, warm and creative personality. The owner of the items is a student, perhaps a photographer or something like that, who leads an active lifestyle. She has a lot of energy, originality, the ability to produce creativity and flow with ideas. The cassette-shaped iPhone case just fascinated me! And she knows how to get angry, but also “in a kind way.” She does not forget that she is a woman, but this part of her personality is just beginning to develop. I would advise her to find more space for femininity - for now, although it exists, it is out of balance with everything else. The more the heroine feels like a woman in herself, the more energy she will have, including for creativity. Yulia, 22 years old, student: In principle, I agree with the psychologist’s opinion, but they went a little too far about femininity: after all, femininity comes in different forms. And yes, I take photographs, study and love all sorts of non-standard, original things. The cheerfulness is also on point, and I get angry in a “kind” way. Photo 3 Elena Babievskaya: Image of a housewife: a lady about 40 years old, fairly wealthy and diversified, perhaps feeling loneliness or lack of satisfaction in her relationship with her beloved man. A contradictory nature, she often changes her desires and preferences, and is always in search of something new. Of those who want everything at once, and manage to do a lot of things, but do not have time to digest everything, because of this, something is lost along the way. She is more focused on the external than the internal, on some kind of absorption rather than on embodiment, although her soul clearly asks for more. I would recommend the heroine not to expand her range, not to jump over the surface from one to another, but to go deeper. From psychology to philosophy, from the contemplation of species to the processing and integration of everything that is already in itself. To search for her foundations, values ​​and understanding the meaning of her life, how she wants to live her old age and what to leave behind on earth. I think yoga would be a good fit for her, with its philosophy and breathing exercises. But if she has trouble sitting still, dancing can be a wonderful combination of fun, health and feminine appeal. Interest in psychology should be developed with the help of something deeper and more spiritual than Psychologies magazine. You can recommend the books by Irvin Yalom “Existential Psychotherapy” or D. Hollis “Pass in the Middle of the Road” - they simply write about the most important things. Inna, 39 years old, housewife: Some things are true, but some things are not. Problems in.
