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In our turbulent times, when the system of values ​​and priorities around us is changing, a special military operation is underway, and in fact, a confrontation with NATO, we must already call a spade a spade. I wanted to write about combat stress and about us psychologists. After all, some time will pass, the fighting will take place and people will begin to return home. There is no need to hope that everything will be forgotten and that everything will go away. Approximately up to 30-40 percent, according to research by psychologists, of military personnel who returned from a combat zone experience traumatic stress and its consequences in the form of PTSD. Over the past thirty years since the collapse of the USSR, a new generation of people has been born in Russia who are more loyal to psychological help, that is, they easily and calmly go to a psychologist, realize their ceiling and limits and develop their capabilities. They just want to live a better and happier life, to treat themselves and other people differently. Raise your children based on humanistic values ​​and new psychotechnologies. That is, today the culture of providing psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance has been formed and is developing steadily compared to previous years. Along with this, a new generation of psychologists has appeared, in my opinion, who want to help people, relying on time-tested technologies and approaches that have a large evidence base of their effectiveness. This does not guarantee effective assistance; much depends on the experience of the psychologist, his personal qualities, the ability to learn and meet difficulties halfway, to be an attentive, empathic, caring person and, naturally, the desire of the client himself to take an active, self-helping position. Are we psychologists ready to help a large number of people in need and not only them, but also their families? This is a question that requires at least several answers. The professional growth of a psychologist is of paramount importance. We are doomed to constant learning, improving our skills, learning from mistakes, and being ready to cope with professional stress. Be aware, understand and see the limits of your competence. Integrate new experience into your practice and learn to improve your skills constantly. This is probably a requirement of the profession to be prepared to meet difficult clients and clinical cases in order to grow and enrich your professional experience. It seems to me that the community of psychologists should unite into interested groups and accumulate and increase experience at the right time for society and people be useful to them. Now there are specialists with the necessary practical knowledge and competencies. They can become translators and leaders who can generously share their experience and teach other psychologists how to work with combat stress and its consequences. A psychologist is a profession in which development and growth occur constantly.
