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“He is not great who never fell, but he is great who fell and got up.” Confucius. “One man woke up at night with a strong desire to smoke. He went to a neighbor and started knocking on the door. They opened the door and asked him what he needed. The man said: “I want to smoke.” Can you give me some fire?" The neighbor replied: "What's the matter with you? You get up at night, come here, wake us all up - and you have a lit lantern in your hands." The parable: "Believe in your strength" reveals the phenomenon of Homo Sapiens. It turns out: everything that a person needs is actually within himself. However, our “objective reality” is purely biased and depends on our acquired beliefs (life beliefs and values), distorting our world beyond recognition, sometimes we begin to wander into reality, thus attributing complexes to ourselves. Every word has its own classification of scientific concepts. Let's look at the encyclopedic dictionary and find out the meaning of the word Complex - (from the Latin complexus - connection - combination) a set of objects, phenomena, properties that make up one whole. In medicine, it is interpreted somewhat differently: an unconscious and greatly exaggerated sense of one’s own hyper-worth or unimportance of a person. the protective (defensive) nature of interaction with other people. The inaccuracy of the concepts of scientific terms leads to a distortion of the semantic meaning of the word, which certainly harms the mental and then somatic health of a person. This disease is called Iatrogenesis - (from the Greek iatros - doctor + gennao - generate) an unfavorable change in the patient’s condition caused by the unconscious actions of the doctor, which act as a negative suggestion. For example: the doctor’s use of specific, professional vocabulary, which the patient does not understand, but interprets in relation to himself in the worst sense. In other words, the concept is iatrogenic, the effect of a damaging, wounding word. If the nature of the word Iatrogenesis is negatively charged, then the natural energy of the word Complex, on the contrary, is positive. Complexes are unrealized human ambitions that provide personal development and improve the quality of life. All people on earth are endowed with psychological complexes. The great orator of Greece, Demosthenes, stuttered as a child. This illness contributed to the development of the boy’s lexical abilities, subsequently turning him into a genius of his era. Z. Freud said about this: “A person should not eradicate his complexes, but should come to an agreement with them, they are legitimately what guides behavior in the world.” The component of Complexes is emotions. They are, as you know, positive and negative. The nature of negative emotions is primary and, accordingly, more significant (the emergence of a new person into the world is accompanied by a series of negative emotions), and therefore endowed with greater power of creation. The nature of positive emotions is secondary, and therefore regressive (after the baby has undergone a series of negativity, he is born, he calms down to a subsequent uncomfortable state.) Positive emotions, oddly enough, lead to regression, that is, they destroy, devalue the personality, freeing it from positive intentions. Negative emotions lead a person to progress; without them, humanity would die out. Get out of your comfort zone more often. “The comfort zone leads to lasting disappointment in life,” said Brian Tracy. "Once a bird sat on the mast of a ship when the ship was going out to sea. After a while, she noticed that there was no land around her, no trees. She flew to the North, but did not find anything she wanted and returned to the mast. Having rested, she flew to the South, but quickly got tired and returned to the mast again thinking that she!
