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Meditation itself consists of six steps: calm, relaxation, heaviness, breathing, which plays an important role, as well as metabolism, and for general relaxation. Deeper breathing affects the diaphragm, which is located between our internal organs and separates the upper part from the lower part of the body. The diaphragm is of course the same muscle, but not as part of the skeleton, but consisting of smooth muscles. In women, for example, the uterus, part of the internal organs, and more are tightly connected to the diaphragm. This is the so-called smooth muscle, which also contracts. So, when we experience negative emotions, when we are on the move, when we have frequent stressful situations, our diaphragm is also in a state of contraction and, accordingly, the stooping, tightness we know, external tension, is a reflection of the internal state. That is, the diaphragm muscle contracted. The “breathing” exercise helps stop the contraction, stops tension and the diaphragm gradually becomes elastic. It becomes more pliable, it becomes easier to breathe due to elasticity. Breathing, after meditation, becomes deeper, freer, easier. We begin to feel more free, healthier. – Nikolay has already bought a master class. For your health, study, implement. - Sayana asks, is it possible to implement this technique immediately or step by step? - We can do it little by little, for example, on Monday one technique, we consolidate it in the process. In four days we move on to the next one. In another four, another one. In the end, you get such a canapé, strung on top of each other. Practicing different techniques every day will not be effective and there will be no point in it. Graduality and consolidation, only this can give you results. In total, a month should pass. But, in fact, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each of us. For some, this is noted as a sharp, positive change after the first time. After an initial consultation, this is also possible. Also, perhaps, after the first two meetings, a positive result is also possible. For some, in five days, for others, in seven, for others, it needs to be fixed, for others, everything needs to be repeated, and come again for additional consultations. Everyone has their own individual monitoring. - You’re great for being able to purchase courses at a discount. - Let’s return to meditation, relaxation - heaviness, or relaxation - calmness, it doesn’t matter how exactly to start. The third step is breathing. The fourth is our heart. It is like a kind of affirmation, speaking in esoteric language, this is a suggestion that we tell ourselves, the heart beats clearly, rhythmically (to be continued!) Another important point, click on the link on the website http://doctoraksaev.com in the right field , you can also have time to receive the issue “Deadly Techniques - STOP STRESS” as a gift. Register in a special form, it takes a couple of minutes, I will be grateful for your interest in my books and my courses. Well, I say goodbye to you, as always, yours was with you - Timofey Aksaev, doctor psychotherapist, trainer, business consultant. Bye, we'll hear you, we'll see you. Follow my news on the YouTube channel, VKontakte. PS “ALL THE MOST VALUABLE IS WITHIN US » !! ©
