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From the author: Responsibility for your emotional health is the most important component of effective psychological help When I think about my ideal client, I imagine a person who is successful in many ways, but with some internal problems. I am always offended when such talented, creative people do not truly solve their psychological problems. I think that often a person does not even know that many of his difficulties are solvable. I remember myself in my youth - oh my God! There is so much in the naked eye, in feelings, in desires! Fears, hopes, stupidity, mistakes, trauma, love, pain - go crazy! The profession forces you to solve your problems. When you help others, you always come across something similar in yourself. Until you work on your own, you cannot help someone else. This has happened many times. And it was always difficult to realize my limitations. But it’s not boring - it’s useful to solve problems in any way, and life as a whole improves from this. At the same time, it becomes easier to help others - and this is my bread. So, about the ideal client, that is, about the client with whom I like to work and whom I can help as much as possible. In fact, these are very different people - in terms of cultural, intellectual, educational, and material levels. But their main feature is the desire to change, becoming more and more themselves, the courage to look into their depths, common sense and RESPONSIBILITY for their life, health, emotions. I really believe that it is RESPONSIBILITY for your health, including psychological, that is extremely important in order for a person to move at all and make real efforts to solve his emotional problems. Working for many years in the department of neuroses, I observed how patients with fairly mild disorders could undergo long and tedious treatment with partial effect, while more severe patients climbed, delved into, clung to everything that could help and got out of the disease faster, better, gaining experience and wisdom. This has always amazed me! Therefore, never be afraid of difficult problems, the road will be mastered by those who walk! Take responsibility for your happiness and health (if you haven’t already) and start working on yourself right now and continue until you are satisfied with the result! If difficulties arise at any stage of this work, contact me or another psychologist , a psychotherapist, so as not to get stuck and lose strength, but to use special approaches and methods that allow you to quickly and efficiently make the changes you need. Good luck! I believe in you!
