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Your inner Woman. Getting rid of loneliness. Everyone has read the tale of the sleeping princess. The princess fell asleep after her evil stepmother fed her a poisoned apple. Who is Sleeping Beauty? This is your inner woman. Something happened in your life, an Evil Witch appeared there, fed you a poisoned apple, and your Inner Woman fell into a deep sleep. But it is she who attracts a man. But your Inner Woman sleeps, sleeps, does not wake up. And time flows like water. Days after days, years after years pass. In the fairy tale, Prince Elisha woke up Sleeping Beauty. Who will come to wake you up? We need to wake up on our own! Of course, you can wait, hope and believe that Prince Charming will appear one day and solve all your problems. But this is absolutely a fabulous option! Completely unsuitable for modern, active and positive beauties. So, let's try to wake up. We create the image of our Inner Woman. We read carefully: not a specialist; not a member of any society; not moms; not sisters; not friends - Women. What is she like? What age is she? What does she look like? Is she our contemporary? Is she a guest from the future? Does she belong to the past? What social stratum does your Woman belong to? How is she different from the real you? Write down all your thoughts about this so you don't have to keep them in your head. 2.The image of the Inner Woman has been created! Now let’s see how this image interacts with the real you. Various options are possible here: there is no interaction; your Inner Woman supports you, but belongs to the past and therefore her support is ineffective; your Inner Woman supports you, but belongs to the future and therefore her support is ineffective; your Inner Woman oppresses you. Write down all your thoughts about this so you don't have to keep them in your head. Congratulations! We have done a lot of work on self-diagnosis of our Inner Woman and continue to move forward. 3. If the image of your Inner Woman is radically different from the real you, you need to edit it. Imagine the real you and imagine your Inner Woman separately from yourself. Think about which of you you like best? Think about what qualities you would add to your real self in order to get closer to your ideal? Think about what qualities you would add to your Inner Woman so that she was more similar to you. For example, you added to yourself: happiness; courage; joy; strength; health; well-being; happiness. For example, you added to your Inner Woman: modernity; courage; joy; strength; health; well-being; love; happiness. Look how you have changed? How has your inner woman changed? How do you interact now? Now a little practice of conscious breathing to consolidate positive changes. We inhale slowly through the nose to the count of 1-2-3-4, and exhale slowly through the nose to the count of 1-2-3-4. We repeat at least 36 breaths. How do you feel now? What does your Inner Woman look like now? How do you interact with your Inner Woman? Adding music therapy! The sounds of the flute help you find mutual understanding with yourself. The cello, harp and saxophone also contribute to this. We select the appropriate music, turn it on and begin to breathe, as described above: Take a slow breath in through your nose on a count of 1-2-3-4, and exhale slowly through your nose on a count of 1-2-3-4. We repeat at least 36 breaths. How do you feel now? What does your Inner Woman look like now? How do you interact with your Inner Woman? Write down your results. Good practice! If this exercise does not solve your problems, sign up for the Women's Group for Getting Rid of LonelinessRead my articles From loneliness to marriage
