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From the author: I really wanted to write something, to make some contribution to the articles. I don’t know what happened, but something happened. What is harmony and how to achieve it? The question is certainly not an easy one, but everyone wants to see their relationships harmonious, and most importantly, happy! Harmony and happiness are different concepts for each individual. For some, happiness is simply to be loved, for others it is necessary to love, to be recognized, understood. How often does harmony collapse from lack of understanding and rejection, when two “I”s collide with the baggage of their needs and habits, and neither party wants that change something about yourself, but why? And so good! But in response, he expects changes from his soul mate, without thinking that the other half may not be happy with something either. So what can be done? And what to do to catch this elusive harmony by the tail? There is a question, but here is the answer... Of course there must be an answer, but where is it? We are used to perceiving the world through our usual prism, believing that everything around should be exactly the way we want, but no, the world around us is not like that at all , as you imagine him, he lives in his own way, and also has his own character and habits. From childhood, we are shoved into a bunch of introjects, something like (what is good and what is bad), which subsequently interfere with living in society , we do many things without noticing our feelings, we don’t listen to our body, and it will always tell you what and how you need and what you really want. I’m not saying that introjects are bad, there are also adaptive ones that bring something into our lives. that is good. There is nothing bad or good, right or wrong, life simply exists and we are in it, there are many of us, we are all different and we project ourselves as it is convenient or familiar to someone. Often projections do not allow relationships to develop, we try to realize ourselves on someone then, but we simply may not be accepted for various reasons, and this also serves as an imbalance in harmony. So what is harmony? From ancient Greek, Harmony is connection, order, structure, harmony, coherence, harmony. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary, Harmony is spoken of as consonance, uniformity, reciprocity, agreement, to be one, to match, to suit.
