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Women around forty and older often seek advice from women who are very satisfied with themselves in their professional activities, who own a successful business or occupy leadership positions in organizations, but who are suffering from the lack of partnerships. “Men are afraid of me!”, “Decent men bypass me,” “Only narcissistic youths stick,” “They don’t see me,” and other expressions of a similar nature can be heard from them. Why? Why, such beautiful, well-groomed women with a wide range of interests, who know their worth, do not attract interesting men? Of course, someone will say age! I don’t agree, many of them look much younger than their years and with their appearance they can “give a head start” to the average young woman. Someone will say: “They are strong!” Right here, right on point! Just imagine, if they weren’t so strong, could they have reached the level in their professional activities and business that they are at now? Hardly…. Yes, they are strong and “filled” with masculine qualities (some people prefer energy) with the help of which they move in their development in the professional field: They do not chase victory, they enjoy the process, and, of course, the result of their activity; They, first of all, feel their importance as a professional; They do not seek approval from anyone, but clearly calculate all the steps; They are not interested in listening to someone whining about what they could have done, but it didn’t work out. They focus on their capabilities and what it takes to achieve more. There are a huge number of reasons why they cannot achieve something yet, but they have millions of times more reasons why they NEED it; Their heads are filled with ideas, which they implement as quickly and constructively as possible; They are independent, erudite and assertive; They do not judge what they have absolutely no understanding of; They view their vulnerability as a new opportunity. Vulnerability forces you to improve. They know that they are not flawless, but they are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Naturally, some men “believe” that being with such a woman is difficult, and maybe even dangerous: such a woman can compete. And men, oh, how they don’t like competitors! Men, being in the company of such an unfamiliar woman, do not “understand” very well what kind of person they are actually dealing with. Someone will “see” domineering and arrogant, someone tough and rude, someone something else. As my client noted about this: “One man whom we met in a common company, in response to my question: “What kind of woman do you see in front of you?” He answered: “You are the Shark.” But I am a delicate flower.” In any case, a man, first of all, will feel the power emanating from a woman, and then, if, of course, he’s lucky, her femininity, and it doesn’t matter at all what outfits the lady is wearing, at least a hundred times, in a pink dress and frills. And these mechanisms of “seeing” are of an unconscious nature, otherwise there would be absolutely no reason preventing one from approaching such a woman and starting to build a relationship. Then what is the way out? How to remain successful in your profession, business and at the same time “attract” your man? Of course, there is no single recipe. Just like the above list of a strong woman, it is very conditional: such a person may have other traits and behavioral models, or equally lack them. But you just have to “switch” or reduce the focus of the significance of some of your internal priorities (namely switch, and not exclude), as you will notice that each time it becomes easier for you to “leave” your “boss’ business suit” at work. And enter the world in a light “costume of a woman ready to become a wife and mother.” It’s like changing the course of a ship by just one degree, and it will arrive at a different port: She is, first of all, a woman, and then…
