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Before we talk about the physiological and psychological changes that occur to a woman during pregnancy, let us turn to the definition of adaptation. Adaptation (Latin “adaptacio”) is the process and result of internal changes, external active adaptation and self-change of the individual to new conditions of existence. A woman’s individual and personal characteristics largely determine the success or failure of adaptation to the state of pregnancy, and at the same time, adaptation to a new social role itself is a powerful stimulus for the development of a woman’s personality. Some women intuitively sense the onset of pregnancy long before its medical confirmation, but at the same time time they experience anxiety and excitement during the period of awareness and acceptance of themselves as pregnant. Pregnancy has a certain impact on a woman’s physiology and her psyche. During pregnancy, the entire autonomic nervous system is in a state of increased arousal, i.e. the woman becomes more emotional. And although pregnancy is a natural state of the female body, changes in the functional state of the nervous system that occur during this period create increased sensitivity and vulnerability in the psyche of the expectant mother. The woman has a vague premonition of imminent changes in life, the consequences of which are frightening in their uncertainty and unknown. But it is no coincidence that nature gave the woman time to prepare and adapt to these changes. For harmonious psychological and physiological adaptation to pregnancy, it is necessary to form a full-fledged relationship between mother, father and child at the earliest stage of intrauterine development. This relationship is fundamental for just three reasons. First of all, during this period the basic psychological orientation towards conscious parenting is laid. Secondly, the experience of relationships in the “mother-child” system during this period leaves a person with a memory of the unique unity and symbiosis between mother and child, which the person strives to repeat throughout his entire life. Thirdly, the experience of these early relationships serves as the basis for the formation in a person of a conscious attitude towards a woman as a mother, as a performer of maternal functions. Therefore, it is at this moment that communication with specialists in the field of the perinatal period (including preparation for pregnancy) becomes relevant , pregnancy and birth of a child, as well as postpartum care) by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a perinatal psychologist, who will help not only the expectant mother, but also the entire family in creating a special psychophysiological phenomenon - the dominant of pregnancy, what determines the adjustment of all organs and systems of the body to adequate, harmonious bearing of an intrauterine baby. The mental and physical health of a child begins long before conception, with the health of the mother and father, with a healthy climate in the family and society as a whole. Comprehensive psychoprophylaxis in the pre- and postpartum period is the key to successful pregnancy and childbirth and healthy motherhood. It is gratifying that today there are places where you can receive comprehensive medical and psychological assistance during the period of adaptation to such a responsible and unforgettably wonderful time in our lives. You you can write to me [email protected] or call +79137259380
