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What do we know about diseases. It doesn’t matter what kind, colds, chronic, acute, malignant. We can continue ad infinitum. You know that they come from within a person and no matter how much you treat them anywhere on the physical plane, they will return again and again, because. if the internal cause is not removed, physics will not go away for a long time. Why are we so afraid of these diseases? Why do they hurt, because they unsettle us, or maybe because some die because of them? Maybe it’s easier to know the internal causes of illness and work with them on the internal plane? Our body, our body is very wise by nature and if you listen to it and follow its call, you will not harm it, on the contrary. If this or that disease comes, I rejoice, because They show me that there is something wrong with my thoughts. And this is where the work begins. I look at what causes this or that illness (it is very useful to have a sign with the mental causes of illnesses, there are plenty of them on the Internet and in books). I haven't been using tablets much lately; the answer comes to me from within. Then awareness of the disease begins, awareness of one’s negative thoughts, acceptance of them and letting go of the cause. The disease goes away. And if there is complete awareness, acceptance and letting go, then this disease will no longer exist, it simply has no reason to come to you anymore, the meaning is lost. Thank your wise body for the invaluable help it gives you. And the word illness will not be something terrible, scary, but a word that needs to be realized, accepted and released. As for small children, you need to remember that children under 7 years old should not get sick at all, and if this is present, then... they let their parent know their lesson. They took on this illness so that mom or dad would understand what they need to work on and until they do this, the child will get sick again and again. For example, children born with congenital defects such as cerebral palsy teach their parents to learn to love. Instead, parents are exclusively engaged in other things, treating the baby, dragging them around to hospitals, getting divorced, because... Some people can’t stand it in the end, and in the end the lesson is not learned, and the child continues to get sick. Therefore, look inside, look not at external reasons, because... they simply don’t exist. Be happy and healthy.
