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From the author: This article is the first in the series “Your own constellation” or “Arrangements on slippers”. Published on my website “Soul to Soul” Quite often we are at the crossroads of life and we don’t know which of the three (or even five to ten) roads to choose. It happens that we find ourselves faced with the need to immediately, here and now, make a significant decision, and we experience confusion, are full of doubts and anxieties, or even generally “fall into a stupor.” We often feel like travelers lost in a labyrinth. And, sometimes, a funny joke about a monkey - “...I’m both smart and beautiful - should I burst apart?” turns out to be very “on topic”, and doesn’t make me laugh at all... It’s good if there is someone nearby who will help us calm down and look at the situation from the outside, judiciously and soberly weigh all the pros and cons, find strength in ourselves and, Having taken a step, get out of the dead end-crossroads by choosing one or another path-solution. This could be one of your relatives, friends, or psychologists. For example, a system arranger can help, as they say, “arrange and look,” and in the end you can come to the optimal solution. Okay. But what if you have to make a choice on your own - “you stand there and take a step yourself”? Where? How? Become your own arranger! How to “arrange and see”? How to make a choice? I offer you a method that I have been successfully using myself for a long time, and, with my light hand, my relatives, friends, and of course clients use. So! Become your own arranger! Arrange everything for yourself “on the shelves” and make a choice! You will need: 1) a notebook or a piece of paper for making preliminary notes; 2) sheets of paper (any size, no more than A4, 6 pieces), or indoor slippers without heels, or small rugs, or pads, in general, are objects that can be placed on the floor and stand on them, or sit down (arrangers call such objects “floor anchors”). 3) a ballpoint pen, or a simple pencil, or colored pencils; We do it in stages: 1. Find a comfortable place for yourself. So that you can retire and focus on the process.2. Listen carefully to yourself. To your well-being, mood. Make sure of your own intention to go somewhere and do something at all.3. Ask yourself the question: what do I want to get in the end? How will it be good for me? I.e. what you want to achieve, what you will ultimately achieve by choosing one option or another. 4. Now you need to start identifying and considering possible options. For this arrangement exercise, performed independently, it is optimal to have from 2 to 4 options (if more, it’s a little more difficult). So, you need to clearly see all the solution options. Even if they have already been broken (or not broken) for two weeks spinning in your head and preventing you from sleeping, and it seems that these options are familiar to the smallest detail - it doesn’t matter - take them out into the light of God! To make it easier and more interesting, for example, imagine yourself A good fellow (as usual, in armor, and on a heroic horse). The Good Fellow stopped at a crossroads and looked at the Stone standing in front of him. And it is written on the Stone: ...What are these decisions, what are these paths? Write everything down on a piece of paper. It is important to take into account such options as “just lie on the couch and let no one touch me” or “burn it all with a blue flame” as having the right to be.5. Now we are doing an “audit” of our own resources. Awareness of your own capabilities, strengths, experience, knowledge, skills, amount of vitality and energy, as well as “external resources” (help, support, what usually helps, gives strength, pleases, encourages, etc.) will be useful and now, for the future. You can write this down. Let it be.6. Let us again pay attention to ourselves “here and now.” What's in the body, how is it in the soul now? Is it comfortable for me to sit? What's going on around me? How do I breathe? Attention! The place where you are located - “Your Place” - will be such ... an “island of observation”. Here you are you. While here, you will always remember your name, what date it is today and how much you owe your colleague Tanya for that new blouse... We record everything!
