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The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that problems associated with a person’s spirituality affect his mental and physical health. The doctor and holy confessor, Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) said: “The human soul is Christian by nature, and if it does not feed on spiritual food, then severe chronic starvation sets in for this unfortunate soul. And just as a starving person who does not have food becomes irritable, so these people who are spiritually hungry become irritated: tears easily flow from their eyes. And they have no peace, and they cannot forget themselves at any time spiritually, but they do not give them this food.” According to my research, based on the experience of practical counseling over the past seven years, the number of those who sought help is growing and the majority of those who sought help were depressed. Today, prayers are widely used in Christian psychology, in the treatment of diseases of various origins, and in the practice of psychotherapy. But, despite sufficient study of this topic and the active use of prayers in human life, there is still very little scientific data on the influence of prayer on a person’s psychological state. A state of prayer has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state and consciousness, which is confirmed by domestic psychologists - Shekhovtsova L.F., 2009, Vasilyuk F.E. 2008, as well as clergy who have many years of practical church experience in helping people with addictions from drugs, alcohol, gambling, computer. This is, for example, Priest Alexy Moroz, 2008. One way or another, millions of people in modern Russia are involved in Orthodox and other Christian practices and worldviews. In my opinion, research into the mechanisms of the influence of such practices on a person’s psychological state can open up new ways to integrate different ideas about consciousness and provide significant support to all specialists working professionally in the field of counseling, psychotherapy, healing, etc. My experience in practical consulting work, analysis of specialized literature, conversations with priests showed me the need to search for effective and safe methods that would help a person in crisis and severe psychological conditions, lift his spirit, and harmonize the general condition of the body. Recommending prayer to a person in some cases as a psychotherapeutic technique, in others as a strong enlightening and healing agent, over the past seven years I have observed positive dynamics and changes for the better in those who sought consultation, as well as in their relatives and friends. High activity on TV screens of commercial films and shows that cultivate violence and aggression is not a positive role model for the younger generation, which is also reflected in the style of thinking, low spiritual development and corresponding lifestyle. The recent loss of spiritual values ​​and guidelines, the reorientation of the population mainly towards material values, does not create conditions for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. These socio-psychological factors lead to a disharmonious state of mind, which negatively affects the human body as a whole and its health. Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky wrote a poem with hope for the future spiritual revival of Russia in 1939: “A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian land, The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people, And the cross with holy Divine beauty will shine brightly again on the churches of God. And the ringing of bells will awaken all our Holy Rus' from sinful sleep to salvation, holy abodes will be opened again, and faith in God will unite everyone.” It is worth considering in more detail the influence of prayer on the psychological state of a person from my practice, using the example of (names, surnamesand the city has been changed): Anna asked for help in February 2010 in a state of extreme despair: her husband G. was in intensive care for three days in a very serious condition after an unsuccessful suicide attempt (he decided to hang himself). G., 38 years old, suffered from alcohol addiction, and had recently been depressed due to problems at work and large debts. After a conversation with his wife, I decided to continuously pray for the life and health of Peter G., as well as Zinaida G. herself throughout the night, and her neighbor Antonina K., who recommended turning to me for help. Three days later Anna., neighbor G. and Anna. called me and told me that Peter had successfully passed the crisis and was transferred from intensive care to the general ward of the hospital. After some time, G. was discharged from the hospital. I believe that in this case, prayer gave Hope to the relatives, tripling mental and spiritual strength, strengthening faith in G.’s recovery. Which, probably, played a positive role, influencing the way out of the crisis state of G. himself. I can assume that collective prayer turning to God with a request for another person helps him cope with stressful and difficult life situations, recover faster and return to a full life. There are other examples of the beneficial effect of prayer on the psychological state of a person and his family members. It is also of great importance when oneself a consultant, psychologist or healer pray for clients. All of the above allows us to conclude that using prayer as: - a psychotherapeutic technique, one can achieve effective improvement in the psychological state; - a means that enlightens and strengthens the spiritual sphere of a person, with the help of which deeper changes in a person’s consciousness can be achieved. And also transformation, which leads to healing and changing the situation around. The majority of those who sought help who practiced prayer, according to my research, have a more lasting and positive result in improving their psychological state than those who did not practice prayer. The research process and the experience of my practical consulting practice have proven that prayer as a psychotherapeutic technique is effective and a method that brings positive results when working with a certain category of people and has a positive effect on the psychological state. Also, the study of prayer in the aspect of its positive influence on the spiritual sphere of a person has proven its healing effect. Thus, we can say that the practice of prayer puts a person into a special state in which he gets in touch with God. Moreover, such a state is as necessary for a person as, for example, sleep. It is quite possible that we need a peaceful state of soul because our soul at this moment communicates with God. All of the above allows us to conclude that if you follow the recommendations of correct prayer, prayer has a positive effect on the psychophysiological state of a person. Correct prayer practice: 1. Promotes the transformation of a number of psychological and somatic problems (anxiety, depression, etc.). As well as pathological addictions: alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction; 2. Orients a person towards harmonization, changing the situation around him; 3. Calls for internal movement. A person, understanding the hidden meaning of prayers, comes to spiritual purification, which means his personal development occurs; 4. Promotes human health, increases his energy potential; 5. The correct method of prayer allows you to increase the duration of human life; 6.A person develops the ability to empathize; 7. The impact of psychological stress is reduced, which means the body’s protective functions increase. I want to end with a poem: Healing.!
