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Series of publications “Technology for quick access to success” Everyone knows that success in any direction depends on many elements. As part of this series of publications, we will consider the technology for analyzing situations and solving various tasks, problems and issues. This technology is a logical sequence of actions, therefore the scope of its application goes beyond human psychology and can be useful to a wide range of people. Based on the technology, materials for the “INSense Space” project have been developed (see contacts). But the technology cannot be called easy to understand, so we apologize for the possible incomprehensibility of the explanations. Any algorithm of actions to solve a problem includes a number of stages - collecting information on the problem, identifying characteristics and patterns of the problem, building an optimal model for solving the problem, testing the model and its subsequent implementation in an adjusted form. With regard to the field of psychology, at each stage there is an unknown factor that can equally likely have both a negative and a positive impact. This unknown factor is a huge number of processes that are not perceived by the human eye and nervous system. It is known that every object of the material world is not only an accumulation of large molecular structures, but also field structures, knowledge about which, as applied to the psychological and social life of a person, is currently clearly lacking. For obvious reasons. Outlining the picture of the human psyche, highlighting unknown invisible processes, we get something similar to a surreal landscape - a man walks along a thin path in a dense forest, and the interweaving of tree branches is constantly changing, changing the shape, appearance and position of each branch. A person’s task is not only to dodge unexpected changes in time, but also to predict the next change in branches. Here, anyone will have a question - is this even possible?! Everyone knows that space is huge, unimaginable and cannot be accurately described, most understand that we are slivers of wood swinging on the waves of the universe, and only a small handful challenges fate and turns from a piece of wood into a boat with its own motor... Even if it is two oars! And if one of the representatives of a certain community succeeded in this or that action, this means that any other a representative of a given community can achieve this. Here there will only be a limitation in the form of the conditions under which this will be possible. There is no doubt that the action is potentially appropriate. If an action is impossible, it will not happen under any circumstances! So, we have two points: 1) any person, working with his consciousness according to a certain algorithm that takes into account all the many factors and patterns accompanying his life, can achieve a state of greatest control over his life and fate; 2) the ordeal of humanity across the endless boundaries of spaces of success evokes only one conclusion - the forecast of unknown factors is extremely difficult! And most likely Mr. lucky chance was the assistant here! ... The majority thinks so. But from the point of view of the theory of physics, accidents do not exist - there are unknown or rarely manifested patterns. And even if we don’t know something at the moment, but already now the totality of proven patterns allows us to confidently state that the forecast is not only appropriate, it will be completely accurate! In order not to study the depths of physics, we will use a logical technique that will allow us to build a generalized understandable model. So, we have a simple person who does not know how to separate which signal inside his brain is the result of the functioning of his thinking mechanism and which is not. It is clear that for the distribution of waves in space this is determined absolutely precisely - our brain is a very large structure, reaching the functional level of which, the flows of movement become defocusedview. It is absolutely not necessary to teach techniques for isolating your own signal! We have - in each subsequent unit of time a person follows the path of least resistance (the human brain, as a mechanical system, simply cannot follow the path of greatest cost!!! Moreover, the brain always acts along the path receiving something positive, or rather what is necessary for it. It needs energy (movement) in its life, and if this is not there, death. But every organism is a certain element of nature, and it was not going to die and will make its cog move as it should! it seems that a person is harming himself - suicide, masochism, searching for conflicts, etc. - this is just a process of obtaining nutrition for those areas where this brain has found itself. In these processes, a certain creature sits in the depths of the subconscious. layers of a given subject and controls the body. Of course, this is an analogy. In reality, it is a certain set of movement, in the center of which is the human brain. Pleasant or unpleasant, bad or good - this is a subjective assessment of the individual, obtained with the help of the same psyche, which, as is known, has its own bell tower. Another question is that in society there should not be such situations that the brain of an individual ends up in some transcendental spheres and begins to create something unimaginable! But this is a very global problem and has nothing to do with the topic of conversation. And there is only one consequence from the above reasoning - each person realizes the vital activity of the universe. And he will not get away from this mission, and in order to gain benefit for himself, it is necessary to identify those directions that are subject to change! Let's continue. Following the path of least resistance - i.e. realizing the flows of the universe (in which the living planet Earth), he (the brain or the person himself) is just a visible float in a sea of ​​movement, albeit complex, but already fully described. Here we connect an array of formulas of theoretical physics and get a certain functional dependence of the behavior of this subject from a certain number of environmental factors (factor A) in which he is located, and his own gene pool (factor B). Factor B has already been sufficiently studied both on a societal scale and in relation to the life of an individual. It is not difficult to determine what is characteristic of a given organism at the physiological level - everyone, one way or another, discovers for themselves the capabilities of their body. Thus, only factor A is unknown to us (unknown to us!). For ease of understanding, we will simulate a picture - imagine a person between two strings (wave beams). A person connects with one or the other depending on the decision (choice) made. For him, both of these strings are his life. For space, these are separate processes. The dependence of switching from one string to another for space is also defined - these are the capabilities of factor B. Thus, a person’s life path appears before us in the form of loops strung on a certain axis of human thinking - loops to the string of factor B and to the string of factor A. Moreover, at each next moment (each next point) is the joint influence of two factors A and B, which for space is not identically equal to either A or B separately. For space, this is a different process that has its own characteristics. Let's call it process B. Factor A is a certain set of elements of the external environment to which a given brain has access. This is subject to research and mathematical description. For a person who has studied physics and mathematics well, deriving this dependence is not a difficult task. So, for space, not only factor B, but also factor A are absolutely precisely defined. The leading property of this dependence is harmony with the structure of space. All (all!!!) processes occurring in the universe are balanced. Each element is in balance with its surrounding elements. The elements and their properties are different, depending on this the balancing volumes change - for the planet they are huge, for an internal combustion engine they are much smaller J).The balancing processes are gravity and the movement of objects. Thus, every process, every phenomenon has either already been described or can be described today. In any case, human mental behavior fits into this dependence. Our task is to bring the functional dependence of human life to a perceptible level. Methods of inference can be: 1) sensitivity of the nervous system. The method is more than possible, but has a large range of errors; 2) artificial intelligence calculations. The method is potentially accurate, but in the case of a correctly created program for this; 3) the method of resonant operations with space. The method is masterly - from the category of aerobatics of logic and mathematics, but still possible. The error of the method, if developed correctly, cannot exceed 25% (this follows from the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics). The essence of the method is the artificial creation of a total chain from the addition of strings A and B in such a sequence that at each subsequent moment in time the signals of both factors A and B lead movement of the human body separately - the difference between the signals should be noticeable by the nervous system of a given person. Of course, the development of such a method is a complex task and takes several years and can only be carried out with sufficient perseverance and perseverance and only on an individual basis, and only by a person with physical -mathematical education! Note that the elements of this method are subject to many on this planet - but only to those who are engaged in their own development. As a result, the absolute majority of the population will solve life situations at random. Of course, human civilization has developed certain patterns and methods of pedagogical and psychological work. But every new method is just an adaptation to changing environmental factors. Today we have a new volume of rapidly changing environmental factors. This is noticeable even for people completely outside the social life. Therefore, there is an urgent need for training in tools (methods, technologies) that will allow you to achieve the desired effects. But this is a separate topic for interested parties! The purpose of this article is to develop a certain algorithm for the logical sequence of situation analysis, which will allow you to quickly deal with any life issue. Let's return to our model. Human activity is a sequence of mutual influence of factors A and B. If a person is passive – i.e. he is a splinter in the sea of ​​the universe, his behavior is the embodiment of process B, which we defined as the result of the sum of A and B). If a person is active, then the process occurring in the brain is already the sum of B and a certain sequence, which can be called the pure choice of a person (let's call this chain process D). So, we have: 1) the passive path of a person B = A + B. 2) the active path of a person B = G + X, where X is a set of some processes and a still unknown factor. That's exactly what we need. More precisely, isolating it as a separate component and bringing it to the perceived and functional level. In this case, G = (A + B) – X. In further reasoning, the Poincaré conjecture (proven!) will help us. Its essence boils down to the following: if an object is at least somewhat similar to a sphere, as a result of a sequence of certain transformations it can be brought to a sphere. First. Equilibrium in the universe is spherical volumes. Second. In this case, the totality of A and B is something similar to a sphere - the distribution of instantaneous points of events A and B will exactly fit into some spherical figures - each of the subprocesses A and B is already balanced in space. Third. The set of A and B can be brought to equilibrium in space in accordance with the Poincaré hypothesis. It is clear that the processes of bringing to equilibrium will be denoted by the following letter D. We model: the sum of A and B, by adding D, turns into a sphere. This sphere corresponds to a certain process in human thinking, which will be a kind of set that has no meaningfor a person. We need a pure choice G. This choice is connected with the balanced sphere A and B, through the processes of the direct path D and the processes of the reverse path from the balanced sphere to individual components, similar to the original picture, but not equal to it. By means of an additional process we reduce the mentally generalized sphere to small spheres, but in such a way that the large sphere of passive choice B is divided into two components G and X. We will call the reverse path E, and E will be greater than D. Thus, G = A + B + D + E. That is, the required factor X is the sum of the processes of bringing A and B to equilibrium and back to the isolation of pure choice D and it includes factors D and E. They are of course not known to us, they will never be known, and even know them not necessarily! Let’s denote D and E as one variable J. Both of these processes are part of the universe, life is interested in both of them, and the very movement of space will slip them to us as soon as we take the path of highlighting our own choice, our decision. So, in human functioning we have the sum of three elements A, B and Zh.A – environmental factors, B – gene pool, and Z – factors of spatial movement, elementary blocks. It is clear that A and B consist of the same blocks, only their number and the order of interaction differ. Thus, we come to one system of measurement in the factors of space movement - i.e. movements of life itself. Now let us accept it as a postulate (the proof exists, but it is large) - A is simply a mixture of other people’s and one’s current factors F, B is one’s own and other people’s factors F in the past (the gene pool also consists of spatial movement) and closely intertwined with life itself. Our brain is able to identify the categories “alien”, “our own”, “past”, “present” for us without much effort. The mechanism of selection, or sensitivity, is a separate topic. But this process is known to everyone - we quickly see what we ourselves are capable of. When used in practice, looking at a person, you should feel four clearly visible signals in two directions: 1) current factors - your own and others; 2) past factors - yours and others. If you have learned this, it will be very easy to model future factors - this will be a forecast for tomorrow. The forecasting mechanism is based on the same model, which is based on spatial equilibrium and the Poincaré hypothesis! Undoubtedly, this method will not work instantly, but you will not feel the difference in signals not because you have an “innately insensitive brain” (for this, everyone has a sensitive brain ), but because your wave flows from your current life activity have such characteristics that your nerve cells give you a signal - confusion, nothing definite (i.e. the absence of what is needed, which means silence)! And you just don’t feel anything. Here, as elsewhere, you need at least minimal training and practice. With a correct understanding of the process and a little training, identifying someone else’s and the past both in your own functioning and in the activities of another person is not difficult. To yours services provide the opportunity for free consultation in this area. And in conclusion. The correct algorithm for analyzing mental phenomena: 1) the availability of information about the phenomenon - symptoms, events. The most complete picture possible; 2) highlighting in a person’s behavior his own pure choice; 3) identifying the insufficiency or fallacy of pure choice; 4) modeling a program for bringing a person’s choice to the required level. The difficulty here is how to create conditions so that a person does not get confused in the reactions of space to his movement forward; 5) adaptation of a person to a new system of choice. The difficulty at this stage is processing the past in such a sequence that this process does not distort the result that needs to be achieved. The complexity of this algorithm is only one thing - it requires practical training, and a little knowledge. With the right approach to the matter, the considered method is the key to your success in everything! For information, the final version (in developed form) of the above resonant method!
