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Mom, where did I come from?” “Oh, what a funny belly your aunt has” “Why is Masha’s pussy different?” As a rule, such questions make any parent tense and worry. How to answer, what to say... maybe I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear anything.... better ask your mother... is it really time to talk to him “ABOUT THIS” And oh the horror!!! (a parent’s experience) if suddenly a child examines and touches his genitals!!!! This is not normal, you need to see a doctor (the first thought of most parents) It’s never too early to talk about sex with a child!! The main principle: we focus on the child’s needs, i.e. the amount of his interest expressed in the question and his age. If a child asks, then it’s time to talk. And here it is important to do this from a calm inner position. Otherwise, all conversations will create tension and the child will learn that there is a lot of anxiety, fear and shame in this area. But first things first, let’s start with the basics, so to speak...⭕About the age of 7-9, a child’s relationship with a parent of the opposite sex develops asexual.⭕It is permissible for a father to wash and bathe his daughter until she is about 3 years old, or not to do so at all (in many traditional religions and cultures this is strictly and clearly defined).❌After three years, the father should not see the girl naked and the daughter should not see her father without linen (!!! here we are talking only about intra-family restrictions and prohibitions). Yes, many will say, “What’s wrong with that, we all wear shorts at home... the whole family goes naked to the bathhouse together.... Of course, this is the business of each family and each person individually. But I, sharing the opinion of a large number of psychologists, believe that this is the key to healthy sexual relationships and ideas about sexuality!! It is the sacred duty of a mother to teach her daughter to soap and wash off her genitals with water by the age of three. This should become the norm, like all hygiene procedures. Then, in case of urgent need, dad can only slightly help his daughter cope on her own, but I repeat - it’s better to avoid this!⭕age 2-5: Explain to the baby at his level, without unnecessary details, that boys have different genitals from girls. That these organs are intimate and need to be protected, hidden from prying eyes, which is why we always wear panties (“we are introducing the panty rule!!!”). ONLY mom (dad) and the doctor in their presence can look/touch intimate places ⭕The parent always has the right to “stop pause”: if you are not ready to answer the child’s question right now or the topic is too adult. Or you feel anxious about discussing this topic. You can, for example, say: “I’m not ready (without preparing) to answer your question right now, it’s interesting and important, let’s discuss it in the evening (Saturday, etc.) or so : “This is a good question, but it requires more discussion. We’ll talk to you a little later.”‼Parents should pay attention to whether they themselves are “calm inside” during the intimate hygiene of their child. Is there any special attitude towards this area of ​​the body: shaking hands, avoidance or vice versa, increased washing of the intimate area, a feeling of awkwardness/shame/disgust, disgust - these are all reasons to think about it and perhaps turn to personal work! To be continued.... If you have any questions or want to share your opinion or personal experience, please write in the comments
