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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya If a girl says: “I want sex, and for everything to work out the way I plan,” then her desire can be granted understand. But in order for it to come true, we, sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists, often have to work in other, I would say: around sexual areas, i.e. the problems here will be some situations of the past, for example: school, general. relationships, or something similar. And now, when I was working with my client from Moscow, we were moving towards ridding her of anorgasmia and fulfilling the girl’s desire, the shift in our psychotherapy was associated with the relationship between her and her sexual partner. And the client herself was surprised, saying: does sex really depend so much on what happens between us? I note from my practice as a sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist that this most often turns out to be the case, but there are, of course, exceptions. So, if we do return to sex, now the aspect of the sexual female theme of anorgasmia and frigidity was this: some uncomfortable internal states that were in the past of their relationship, and which should have been eliminated. The girl remembered the moment when they came to meet their parents in Voronezh. Everything seemed to be fine, and when the couple later decided to visit a restaurant, drink wine, and then take a walk, the guy then began to pester her. The girl had no sexual libido, and for some reason, unexpectedly for herself, the thought suddenly slipped through: “he wants to rape me,” which, in general, did not correspond to reality. The couple had already had sex, and the guy behaved quite decently. Trying to find what underlies this fear, we came to the conclusion that past situations on this topic had already been erased in recent psychotherapy, and now it was simply necessary to eliminate the general background that remained in the head, but there was nothing behind it. It sometimes happens in the practice of sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists that awareness does not come immediately after a situation has been worked through. Next, the topic “ashamed” came up. There was a somewhat opposite situation here, which the girl remembered. This is when she drank champagne, and something jumped inside her. She relaxed and had good sex, but afterward the client felt uncomfortable. She thought she looked stupid and acted like a porn star. We removed this subpersonality of hers, which gave such a tip. She turned out to be some kind of crooked girl in slippers, who was already partly associated with a street girl. Instead, I, as a psychologist-sexologist, helped fill the girl with liberation and the ability to bare herself. And at the end of our work, my client from Moscow remembered how they took a shower together, but the cabin was narrow and the water was too hot. Therefore, as they say: all the buzz from sex “came to naught.” Then the guy accused her of being too pampered, sickly, and falling apart. Here we changed the situation, and the girl realized that she, too, could set conditions and bolderly declare what she did not like. The client is also an equal sexual partner, and has every right to this. We added determination and courage to the girl, as well as confidence and self-expression. This is how the work turned out this time. PS This article is fictitious and.
