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“Love is the feeling of someone completing you.” Love is at the core of everything. But only love, not property. I am very close to the understanding of love expressed by the philosopher of freedom Osho: “Love is not passion, love is not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself; It’s not a sense of ownership.” When we feel that we own something, we hold on to it with all our might. Understanding that your partner does not owe you anything and that he is free is the ability of a fairly high consciousness, this is an awareness of life that you need to strive for in order to find a truly worthy relationship. When someone tells you what to do, who to communicate with , what events to attend, what clothes to wear and, finally, what kind of body to have in order to be loved. It is worth clearly understanding and seeing in this behavior of your partner a desire to control and subjugate. Control and manipulation are the main mechanisms that dominate society and are rooted in a person’s incorrect perception of himself and the world around him. The world cannot be controlled. The world cannot be subjugated, because the world exists independently of our consciousness. There is one main sphere of will and freedom of expression - your own world. It is difficult to admit and imagine that the people around us are able to clearly understand that their world depends on them. That the aggression and hatred that they are subjected to in relationships with others is the product of their own incorrect, unhelpful attitudes. The girl claims that her husband mocks and humiliates her. She feels unhappy and blames him for everything. As it turned out, the girl is trying to control the situation at all levels: what films her husband should watch, how to spend his leisure time, what work to do, whether or not to go fishing with friends or somewhere else. A girl may not want to control another so completely, but often a stereotype of behavior in the family, certain thoughts and reactions to the behavior of another person are triggered. A man, in turn, is very jealous of what he considers his rightfully: the woman who is nearby , he is aware of his own, which means he tries to trace all the options in which betrayal, infatuation with other men is possible, and even simply communication with the opposite sex is controlled. Various areas of human manifestation are controlled and condemned: hobbies, leisure, and much more. People are so used to such scenarios that they consider them the norm. The norm is regular sex, at the request of a full partner, the norm is the depersonalization and destruction of the other, turning into one’s own reflection, which over time begins to turn inside out. If you suddenly realize that your inner essence would like a completely different relationship, stop and think. Answer the question, why should you do such and such, do such and such? Would you agree to live with this person if you knew what you know about him now? Realize that in true love there is no control, just as there is no possession. You own nothing and yet you are infinitely rich, you have an ocean of feelings, you have conscious freedom. And the person walking next to you is also absolutely free. Marriage exists on Earth. People in the context of the universe agree to go through this or that experience together; when this is completed, people can continue their journey. And if there is nothing left but a sense of ownership and possession, then such a relationship will never allow you to experience a real feeling of mutual understanding, support, gratitude, fusion and acceptance of the other. Love is unconditional. When conditions arise, she leaves. “I love him because she loves him because...” These models are dead. They are hopelessly outdated. Therefore, happy is the one who frees another from his expectations, hopes, illusions, and frees himself. A completely free person understands the universal law: it is impossible8 904 373 32 29
