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In various fields of human activity, verification (from the Latin verus - “true” and facere - “to do”) can mean different concepts, for example: verification, verifiability, a method of confirming with the help of evidence any theoretical provisions , algorithms, programs and procedures by comparing them with experimental (reference or empirical) data, algorithms and programs. Confirmation of compliance of the final product with predetermined reference requirements; methods for recognizing lies (concealment, distortion). Don’t be alarmed, now let’s move on to a more understandable language)) Let’s talk about what each person does in accordance... For many reasons, in the end! You can do or not do, find time or exclaim all the time: “I don’t want to spend on This is your life." In general, you, as it turns out, are the king and god of your life! That's right! But. Every shadow has its own light, and every will has its own measure of responsibility. When choosing this or that path, approach and method, a person, of course, has every right to do what he wants, but does he remember that everything he does, for all of this he is responsible and “pays”, can no doubt. For creativity and stereotypes, for independence and loyalty, for conformism and revolutionism. Every medal has a reverse side. Even those who do not stand out from the crowd and camouflage themselves behind average statistical indicators. This is not the question, you pay for your position in life. It is most likely rhetorical. The question is different - do you live your position consciously or somehow fatally? It’s probably quite pointless to talk about people who are determined to fulfill their lines of fate without regaining consciousness. But for those who are at least somehow determined to hold in their hands Ariadne's thread and take part in understanding what is happening, I would like to turn to verification. Look carefully at your actions, like a real verifier. There are many amazing professions in the world, one of them is a verifier (or profiler). This is a specialist in non-contact detection of lies. Try for yourself, within your own worldview, to identify these false messages and ideas and bring reality into synchronization with your idea of ​​your own self. Moving in an environment where a compass shows a direction adequate to reality is much easier and clearer than getting lost in a distorted room of crooked mirrors, wondering what actually awaits you around the turn of fate. I would like to exclaim: let’s synchronize our watches, gentlemen. No, time is not endless, and no one will have to replay anything. So, apparently, everything needs to be done from scratch, consciously and with open eyes. As they say, it is not the error that characterizes the system. The system is characterized by its reaction to an error. Author's blog on LiveJournal Author's channel on Telegram
