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From the author: I have no desire to enter into correspondence, polemics, or arguments with colleagues and readers. However, while defending the profession, realizing the responsibility for correcting the personality of the person who contacted me, I believe that it is necessary to warn people against such psychological mistakes... Many “funny” pictures about psychologists and their work are destructive. Wanting to expose a psychologist in this way, social networks thereby discredit the profession, devaluing its cognitive, axiological functions... Clients often come to us after other psychologists. In my practice, I never allow the thought of judging colleagues, trying to transfer a person to a different mode of work. But nevertheless, the accumulated questions about the essence of therapy leave me bewildered. “The psychologist forced me to poke his photograph with needles,” says one woman on meeting me. The husband left the family. The property is divided. The grievances remain. Why? Why? For what? The release of aggression and evil is not productive, toxic, malicious..."I went to the cemetery, bought a toy, named it after an aborted child...asked my ancestors to be accepted into our family"...A woman tells me after an abortion. There is post-abortion syndrome. The feeling of guilt never goes away. A year of experiences and therapy with a psychologist. In addition, generic scenarios, but not well-developed. The pain of losing a child still torments the woman. And after the cemetery, unfavorable things and phenomena began to happen. Does a psychologist need to be responsible for his approach to the client? Of course, yes. Otherwise, what is the point of the entire healing process? Many psychologists believe that taking responsibility is unnecessary. However, this is more a question of competence. If a person feels good and is not tormented, then the correction or therapy process went well. But when a psychologist invades the zone of the unknown, the unknown , then here he seems to transfer responsibility to the magical tools. We are all people, with our own set of personal qualities and characteristics, moral values ​​and character traits. Each of us has our own temperament. And a sanguine psychologist will probably not be able to fully feel the pain of melancholic people... It is impossible to imagine that a psychologist with a higher education and annual refresher courses could advise, “Go and break his car!” Different people come to us... Too different. And we must find an approach to each of us, a path, give him a feeling of a wave, a common Field of interaction, complementarity... But by introducing a person into a destructive state, forcing him to actions that are far from ethical standards and professional competencies, the psychologist dooms himself to destruction...
