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The process of formation and development of personality is inevitably associated with crises, which are transitional periods from one state to another. A person’s identification is regularly questioned under the influence of external factors. When their concentration reaches a maximum, an identity crisis occurs, during which internal attitudes change, awareness of one’s own significance and one’s place in the world. This is a normal stage in the formation of personality, helping a person move to a new level of development. How an identity crisis is formed. During adolescence, it becomes obvious to the child that many of the attitudes and characteristics received from parents are somewhat exaggerated. However, a teenager is still forming a personality, so the period from 12 to 20-24 years is characterized by searching for oneself and obtaining resources for further development. Most often, an identity crisis occurs between 28 and 35 years old. By this age, a person acquires certain skills, experience, stable work, respect from society, gets married and becomes a parent. It is obvious that he himself cannot perceive himself as an inexperienced youth, ready for adventures and adventures. He understands that his life has changed, therefore internal changes in self-perception are also required. This conflict between external conditions and personal identification provokes an identity crisis. The conditions for an identity crisis to occur can be any significant events and changes, for example: ▪️ to a new place of residence; ▪️ the beginning or the end of any important relationship;▪️loss of a loved one;▪️birth of a child, etc. Internal conflicts, fears, severe anxiety, depression, a feeling of stagnation and impostor syndrome can also lead to an identity crisis. Signs of an identity crisis. The transition from one state of self-awareness to another is characterized by deep introspection. A person turns inward, tries to find answers to such questions: “Who am I?”; “Why and why am I doing this business? How important is this to me and my life?”; “How consistent are my values ​​with what I do?”; “What is the purpose of life?” etc. At the moment of crisis, a person does not always find answers. Most often, because he does not yet have enough experience, knowledge, or ways to solve this problem. During a crisis, the physical sensation of the body can also malfunction: fatigue and irritation may set in, a person feels insecure even in well-known places and situations. The inner voice becomes stronger and more persistent. The society around you is experiencing serious changes against the background of your stability. In this regard, you begin to feel the need to change too or stop communicating with this group of people. For example, all your friends got married and became mothers, and you continue to live alone. An identity crisis is a necessary and very important bar for normal personal development. There is no need to be afraid of change, but you should trust your feelings and inner sensations. At this time, it is important to understand not only our capabilities, but also what limits us. However, all these attitudes that consciousness ultimately comes to are not final and unchangeable. It is human nature to change throughout life, as well as to change the conditions of one’s existence. Good luck to you in developing yourself!
