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Most of us are familiar with the state of constant rush, bustle and fatigue, a feeling of loss of strength, deterioration of mood and even apathy. The modern rhythm of life requires us to be constantly engaged and active. And it’s great if, in a series of everyday activities, we are able to find the opportunity and time to rest and relax. Everyone has their own way: some prefer walking in the park, some prefer a long deep sleep, and for others it’s a massage or a swimming pool. But how often do we allow ourselves this kind of rest? Once a month, once every six months, a year? It is quite obvious that this is not enough. Reflections on this topic led to the idea of ​​​​creating a series of mini-articles, for those who do not have time to regularly visit massage parlors, or do not have sufficient funds to take advantage of the help of a body-oriented specialist, but have a desire to maintain beauty and health. In these articles, I plan to share simple and easy-to-use methods for self-healing and self-help. These will be various body-oriented and art therapeutic techniques. So, the first tool we are about to get acquainted with is the “Graded Relaxation Technique.” Take a comfortable position, preferably on the floor, lying in star pose. Close your eyes and start listening carefully to your body. Try to find the tension in it. Once you find it, don’t rush to get rid of it, just look at it with your inner gaze, because if it appears, then it has the right to be. Study it carefully. In what part of the body is it localized? What is it like? What could it be connected with? How long has it been with you? Thank him for his presence, because by his appearance he most likely saved you from heartache. Stay in close contact with your tension for 2 minutes, mentally count to three and release it as you exhale. If you do everything correctly, you will have the feeling that you have sunk slightly into the floor. Continue to lie quietly listening to the sensations in your body. Try to identify remaining areas of tension in the body. Take an interest and consider it in the same way as the first time. Thank him, mentally say “one-two-three” and on the count of “three” release him, relaxing your entire body, as if falling down. Repeat this fall with the previous study several times until you feel that the body has completely relaxed, the limbs have become heavy, and you have lost track of time. Usually this is 6-7 floors of relaxation. Lie like this for a while and slowly get up by turning to one side. Try not to make sudden movements or strain in the next half hour or hour. Take care of yourself and remember: you shouldn’t expect that real pain or illness will be a reason to contact a specialist! The desire to look good, maintain and improve your health is a sufficient reason not to put yourself off until later!
