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PART 2. How to support yourself? Start simple. From what is available, close and familiar to you. As soon as you direct energy to at least 1 small point, more energy will appear. You definitely shouldn't try to do everything at once. There is no point in starting several new things at once. We can only focus qualitatively on one thing. When two or more things are in the field of attention, the quality already suffers. It is normal that in everyday life we ​​usually do several things at once - cook food and listen to music. Or we prepare food, do homework with the child, have a conversation with loved ones and at the same time think about something else. This is how our life works. But it’s important to spend quality time on yourself. Let 1 minute a day breathe. Or 3 minutes. Or 30. How many are there now? How much we can afford. It doesn't matter how much. It is important to do it regularly and efficiently. And quality means focusing only on this. No thoughts, conversations, phones, TVs or other noise. 1. Don’t read anything, don’t watch the news, if after that you begin to fall into anxiety, panic, fear. It happens that a person says: no, I’m not worried about reading it. Then some time passes and anxiety rises. You simply simply miss this moment when the anxiety begins. Simple small text. Ask yourself BEFORE reading, watching, listening, “how does this help me now?” If you really calm down about this, then ok, no questions. And if this rather unsettles you, then the question for you is: why the hell then? 2. Vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, solarium, baths with magnesium salt, aroma oil... I am not a doctor and certainly not an expert on all of these above points, I cannot speak intelligently here. But! If this resonates with you, go see a doctor and ask him to choose the dosage, read about magnesium salts and aromatic oils. Especially since it’s autumn now. This will all come in very handy. Vitamin deficiency in the body can negatively affect the psyche. Some neglected processes in the psyche and behavior cannot be corrected in psychotherapy with a psychologist until you begin to help yourself through simple replenishment of vitamins. It is very important! Extremely! Vitamin D is almost considered a hormone. Magnesium is the first substance released from the body during stress. And now there is stress, a lot of stress. A solarium is needed not only for tanning, but also for self-support. A couple of times a week for 2-3 minutes will help lift your mood a little. By the way, I tested this method on myself. Works! I rarely use aromatherapy oils. But I know that if you choose it wisely for yourself, it’s a great thing! 3. Walks. Preferably where there are some natural objects - trees, fields, river. A park? River bank? Perfect! No, it means just any route. Why is this so important? Not just because of the fresh air. Also because it is easiest to ground yourself through natural objects. This may now become a constant object of observation for you. The author of one popular and now very well-known method (I’ll tell you about it in the next part) came up with it while walking in the park and looking around! Everything ingenious is simple! Are you walking? – look not at your feet, but around! 4. If possible, avoid crowded places. It’s one thing to choose to go to the theater - there’s no question about that. And another thing is to come for a walk to the shopping center. If you are not going to buy anything, do not go “just like that” to the shopping center! May everyone involved in this industry not curse me. Here's the thing. The fact that we live poorly, with poor quality inside ourselves (for example, I worry, but don’t give it space and time, ignore it or simply don’t notice it) “falls”, is “repressed” into the field, onto other people as well. Just imagine a crowd of people in a room, about 15 people. All of them, for example, are angry. Very. Even if they are silent, they are angry. You go into the room. What do you think you will feel when you walk into the room? Yes, you are more likely to feel either anger or tension. Same thing where there are a lot of people? What kind of states are “walking” now? All
