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From the author: the article uses extracts from “33 and 1 forms of partnership Pezeshkian Nossrat” How do we build our relationships? Who is responsible for them if something is not as we would like it to be? Often we communicate either like children arriving in grievances, or like parents telling others how they should behave. It is not surprising that partners fall into a defensive position and as a result everything goes in circles. If we imagine this process as a mechanism, then the gears in it spin in different directions, and as a result, a fault occurs. An aphorism that is amazing in its simplicity and persuasiveness, expressing the idea of ​​​​a happy relationship: “Find a partner for yourself, think carefully about this step and do not waste time.” To become a specialist in any field, to work independently and with full responsibility, we must within attend school for several years, then a special educational institution and, having passed exams, receive a document on education. To enter into a partnership, we don’t need any of this, so sometimes it seems that some people behave in a partnership like a driver without a driver’s license who is trying blindfolded, slip through the traffic unharmed. And how we are taken by surprise when we suddenly begin to feel that the partnership is collapsing, that we cannot keep our loved one, or even cannot stand the partner to whom we swore allegiance. We stand in complete confusion before the wreckage of our relationship and ask ourselves: “How could this happen?” Questions and questions.... Here are the most important of them: Why, if any disagreement or conflict arises, is it discussed in a thousand ways with friends, acquaintances, but not with the partner who is directly concerned? Why does the wife leave the husband whom she cared for selflessly for many years after his health improved? Do I love only the ideal created in my imagination about a partner, or him himself, as he is? Why do we portray in some way pretending to be something we are not: why pretend, why do we play a role? Am I really helping my partner when I “help” him? To what extent am I following the traditions of my upbringing in my partnership? ?How do I imagine my partner in my dreams? Am I ready to take on all the duties and responsibilities associated with the partnership? How can I solve all the problems of the partnership alone if my partner provides me with the solution? Why do I endure everything? Why can’t I even think about breaking up with my partner? Why am I afraid of any commitment and affection? What myths do we adhere to??
