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From the author: ISITEOnce I spent 5 hours driving! While I was stuck in traffic jams, an insight came over me, I understood why people go to magicians, sorcerers, fortune tellers and even psychologists! Man is a creature accustomed to controlling everything in the world, hence all sorts of rituals among sorcerers, damage, evil eyes, etc. This is the desire to control not only one’s internal processes, but also those processes that go beyond the boundaries of one’s body. They go to fortune tellers to look into the future for the purpose of the same control, to lay straw for yourself or to prepare mentally. But you are already big bunnies and you understand that all this is an illusion of a big deception of our smart brain. And now INSIGHT! None of the processes described above are subject to control; you cannot control the beating of your heart, or the diseases that eat your flesh, or even your feelings and emotions (because this is a chemical process of the body). A person experiences a state of frustration (a state of uncertainty, tension) unconsciously every day. A person doesn’t really know who he is, why he is in this world, what his purpose is, how to apply his knowledge and experience, how to fill the inner emptiness, and in general, what it is and why we need it. These thoughts attack people’s heads every day, which is why many people are not satisfied with life. We live our lives in search of what we ourselves do not know. By the way, many people develop neuroses and psychoses on this basis. Man is born from chaos, but this chaos is subject to the laws of the universe! I would like to invite you to stop your run through life for a moment and feel yourself. Understand who you are... Why did you come into this world? Ask yourself why I need this or that emotion now? Immerse yourself completely as much as possible, give attention to your body, direct it inside yourself. Ask all these questions to yourself. Write down or remember everything that comes to your mind at this moment and try to live in accordance with your inner compass! You can build a house, plant a tree, raise a son. Will you be happy? Have you found your purpose and how long did it take you to get there??
