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First days in the garden. Parting in the group. Quiet time and more. So, the first day in kindergarten is getting closer. It’s better if it is at the end of August, at the beginning of autumn, when the child’s body is still strong after the summer. It’s good to come with your child several times for morning and evening walks to kindergarten . As a rule, this is allowed. The child will be able to get to know the teachers of his group and the children, play with them. In addition, on an evening walk (if it is late), the child will see that parents always come for all the children. Find an opportunity to talk with the teachers about the peculiarities behavior, character of your child. It is NOT recommended to talk about the child’s characteristics, your wishes and requests during a walk. Not everything is useful for children to hear (for example, your fears and worries) and then the teacher must monitor the children and organize activities during the walk. It’s better to choose a time and come for a conversation when the two teachers are alone and free. At first, if possible, do not come at the same time as other new children and try to come after the main reception of children, around 9 o’clock. It is better that he does not see tears and negative emotions other children when parting with their mother. Of course, this does not always work out, for example, when a new group is recruited, many new children. It would be great if teachers made a kind of plan for receiving new children by day or hour. Still, it is very difficult to accept and support a large group of crying children. It is good if at first you are allowed to be next to the baby in the group or at least in the locker room. In general, this is possible, but each, especially government institution, has its own rules. Read the contract carefully, it will be spelled out there! You are nearby, the child has played a little and then goes home. How to determine the moment when the child is ready to stay, or rather, cope alone in the group? Rely on your intuition. You know your child very well and can “read” him. I think many parents will determine when a child is really scared, it is difficult to be alone, or when he is “already playing” something that is scary for him, or when he is already walking on his own. From about the second week. In my opinion, the child can definitely be left in the group when he develops trust in the teachers. The child turns to them with questions, for help, allows himself to be touched (ironed, straightened clothes). He can sit next to him on the mat and talk. The teacher is the guide of the new child to the group. How long the child will be alone in the group is decided individually. - At first it can be 5 or 20 minutes. You explain honestly that you have important business and you need to leave. Find anything to do: hand over documents, run to the store, meet an important person. You agree with the child, leave and return as promised. - You can come after a morning walk. At first, feed the child breakfast at home. Children do not eat well in a new environment, and the food is “not mother’s.” The child is in a stressful situation and is unlikely to eat well, although it can be different. - The child may even have lunch in your presence. “Disappearing” is NOT recommended: the child is distracted by a toy, and the mother leaves at that time. There is a high probability that the child’s trust in you will be undermined; next time the child will hold on to you with a death grip, and you will have to pull his fingers away from you. Painful and traumatic for everyone. You can then leave the baby for an afternoon nap. It’s better to pick him up for the first few days as soon as he wakes up. OPTION from Olga Yurasova, child psychologist, head of a private kindergarten: wait until the child himself wants to stay asleep, lie in the crib. Of course, this option will take more time and effort, but it is quite suitable for a child who is not ready to sleep in the garden. Do not leave your child to sleep right away. The desire must “ripe” to such an extent that the child asks “well, when will this day come.” The proposal should not be abandonedthe child to sleep during adaptation (after a week - for older preschoolers, after 1-2 months for 3-4 year old children - is mainly due to the fact that the load on the psyche is very large and it accumulates slowly and gradually (from the mass of impressions during communication, in play , from activities, from routine moments, exploiting the child’s attention, perception), and its peak will appear exactly after 1-1.5 months. If you take a small child half a day and after a month the child’s condition is stable, you can start trying to stay asleep (+. accumulated desire of the child). Parting in a group: · Part with a smile and, if possible, not for long. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Long farewells mean long tears.” · Don’t ask the child: “Well, will you stay in the group?” not a healthy situation for a child. It turns out that the child himself can decide to stay there or not. And if the child is not motivated to go to kindergarten, then the option is obvious, he will say “no” and so what??? - Come up with your own farewell rituals and stick to them. · If it is difficult for a child to part with his mother, then it is better to take the child to kindergarten to his father or another relative .· Agree with the teacher and let the child take a toy with him. · Agree with the child about something good that will happen after kindergarten. For example, ride the bus, bake pies together, go ice skating, etc. The main thing is that this activity is interesting for the child and brings him joy. · And so that you go to kindergarten in a good mood, the morning should be pleasant and calm. It often happens that children cry when parting. In the beginning this is normal because they are grieving, they are worried, and you need to be prepared for this. It’s another matter if the child has been crying for, for example, a month. In this case, preschool is probably not for your child. And from experience, often after their parents leave, children cry for about 7 minutes and begin to join group life. Sometimes some may cry during the day, this also happens. At first, children often ask the same question: “Will you come for me?” There is no need to get irritated and angry, thinking about: “I have already said so many times and always came!” It is important for the child to hear this again and again: “I will definitely come. I love you very much and will definitely come for you.” There is also a logical question: “When will you come for me?” It is better to answer, focusing on the routine moments of kindergarten, for example: after sleep or after an afternoon snack, etc. Phrases like: “Work will finish and I’ll come, or I’ll come at 5 o’clock,” they don’t say anything to the child if he doesn’t know the clock, and not all groups have a clock hanging on the wall. It’s important to try to keep promises. I think that the child will forgive you for 10-15 minutes, but if, for example, you are stuck in a traffic jam and expect that you will be very late, then it is better to call the teacher and ask them to tell the child about it. The child will know that you are coming to see him; in addition, he will indirectly learn to warn about his delays, which you yourself will be glad of. More important things: · All family members must understand and accept the importance of this event. · Children ask: “Why Should I go to kindergarten? It doesn’t always sound convincing: “There are a lot of toys and children there. It’s fun, interesting and useful.” He is happy with toys at home, plays with the children on the playground, and is very happy at home with his mother. But the option that the mother needs to take care of things for the mother, including the whole family, is very important and has to be taken into account. · The child does not want to eat in the garden. It is useless to say: “Eat, the teachers say the food there is so delicious.” IT DOESN'T TASTE IT. It's better to try to figure out what's wrong. Mom cooks differently; it takes time to get used to it. Potatoes in the soup float in large pieces - we’ll ask the nanny or teacher to cut them smaller (at least at first)... After kindergarten, the child should be in a comfortable, calm environment, and!
