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"Feelings of disharmony in relationships among adolescents." Interpersonal relationships represent the realization of people’s subjective relationships to each other, changing their states and moods. This is an interaction based on the type of exchange (which can be one-sided or reciprocal) and cooperation. Relationships presuppose a mutual connection between people, their dependence on each other, mutual attraction, closeness between them (which cannot always be observed in joint activities and communication) [1]. Disharmony, like tension in interpersonal relationships, is characterized by: lack of unity, agreement between subjects relationships; weakening of positive emotional connections between them, the predominance of withdrawing feelings over bringing together ones; imbalance between cognitive (cognitive), emotional and behavioral components of relationships; exaggerated dominance of connecting feelings [2]. The empirical psychological study involved 152 schoolchildren, male and female, from secondary school No. 21 in Stavropol, aged 13-16 years. The choice of age group is due to the fact that teenagers feel the strongest sense of disharmony in relationships. Because At this time, important personal relationships develop, primarily with the immediate social environment and the opposite sex. The following psychological research methods were used: the psychological drawing test “Family Drawing”, the “Subjective Assessment of Interpersonal Relationships” technique by S.V. Dukhnovsky. As a result of an experimental psychological study, the purpose of which was to identify various types of disharmonious relationships among schoolchildren and the connection between them, the hypothesis put forward was confirmed, because a relationship was established between the studied factors. Analysis of the data obtained made it obvious that for the majority of schoolchildren, on four scales (tension, alienation, conflict, aggression), the average value prevails, which is the norm and does not relate to disharmonious relationships. Low and high scores indicate a lack of harmony in relationships. On the “tension of interpersonal relationships” scale, schoolchildren with an average score (50%) predominate. A certain number of children showed a low value on this scale (28%). The smallest number of adolescents were identified with a high score on this scale (22%). On the “alienation in relationships” scale, adolescents slightly dominate with an average score (47%). Slightly fewer people were identified with a low value on this scale (40%). A small proportion of schoolchildren have a high score on this scale (13%). On the “conflict in relationships” scale, average indicators also prevail (61%). Adolescents with a high value on this scale (23%). And the smallest percentage are teenagers with a low score on the “conflict in relationships” scale (16%). On the “aggression in relationships” scale, the majority of schoolchildren have an average score (54%). Adolescents with low (22%) and high (24%) values ​​on this scale were divided almost equally. An analysis of the relationships of adolescents in the family was also carried out, which made it possible to confirm the presence of disharmonious tendencies in communication among schoolchildren. A low indicator includes families where this disharmony of interpersonal relationships is not typical. An average indicator means that there is no stability in relationships; harmony is often replaced by opposing feelings. There are also families with a high rate of disharmony in interactions; they are not aimed at positive emotional connections. On the “tension in relationships” scale, families of teenagers with a low rate (63%) predominate. The remaining part is occupied by families of schoolchildren with average (17%) and high (20%) scores on this scale. The next scale, “alienation in relationships,” is aimed at identifying the emotional rejection of a teenager in the family. A high figure also prevails here (53%). The rest of the schoolchildren are families with average(27%) and high (20%) indicator on this scale. On the “conflict in relationships” scale, less than half are families of teenagers with a low score (44%). The other half includes categories of children in whose families the average (33%) and high (23%) indicator on this scale predominates. Another scale, “aggression in relationships,” most contains families of adolescents with a low score (67%). In the remaining families, with average (19%) and high (14%) indicators, verbal or physical aggression is characteristic, with varying degrees of manifestation. Therefore, we monitored and confirmed that the majority of adolescents (about half) belong to the category of normal, i.e. .e. have normal relationships. And disharmony in communication is inherent in a smaller number of children. Further, we established the relationship between disharmonious types of communication (tension, alienation, conflict, aggression). Half of the children (50%) show a connection between a high level of tension and a high level of conflict in relationships. A smaller percentage, as a concomitant indicator of tension, is aggression (38%) and alienation (32%). There is a relationship between low indicators, so in adolescents experiencing tension in relationships, alienation between the subjects of interaction can be traced (64%). Also, the majority of adolescents with a disharmonious level of tension in relationships are not capable of conflict relationships (62%) and aggressive behavior (46%). Half of the children (55%) with a high level of aggressiveness have a high value on the “conflict in relationships” scale. For some schoolchildren, a high value on the aggressiveness scale is associated with a high level of tension (39%) and alienation (33%). A low level of aggressiveness is associated with a low score on the conflict scale (45%). Others have a low level of alienation (45%) and a low level of tension (55%). We found that with a high level of alienation there are no children with low levels of tension (0%) and conflict (0%). High level in other indicators. In general, a low level of alienation in adolescents can correlate with all types of disharmonious relationships, but most of all it is associated with a low level of tension in relationships (44%). A high level of conflict in relationships in adolescents is associated with high scores on other scales. This mutual influence is most strongly observed in children with a high level of aggressiveness (62%), which confirms the earlier results. The connection between conflict and alienation among schoolchildren (38%) is a high level of tension (56%). A low level of conflict in adolescents correlates with low values ​​on other relationship scales. Conclusions: 1. For the majority of schoolchildren, relationships related to the norm predominate on four scales (tension, alienation, conflict, aggression). This indicates sufficient harmony between people.2. Less than half of the adolescents tested can be classified as people who have disharmonious relationships with others.3. Disharmonious relationships in the family may be the reason for a teenager’s inharmonious relationships at school.4. There is a connection between a high level of tension and a high level of conflict in relationships among schoolchildren. Those. these two factors can cause each other.5. It is also possible to draw a connection between a high level of aggressiveness and a high level of conflict in relationships among adolescents.6. Children who have a high level of alienation always experience a feeling of tension and often face conflict situations due to misunderstanding or rejection of their point of view by others.7. Also, most teenagers who feel like outcasts use disharmonious relationships as a defense mechanism against others. But in general, these processes are not productive, and are used due to the fact that children cannot find another way out of difficult situations.8. High level of conflict in, 1981.
