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On the one hand, it is clear that the city of Moscow is of a completely different scale than any other Russian city. But still, I would like to know something more on this topic. This kind of information will probably be useful to us. First. Sometimes Moscow is reproached for being in a privileged position compared to other cities, but now the moment has come when the demand is higher. Moscow must, by its example, show all the other people of our country the great strength of the Russian people. So, you have to try. Second. Here is a symbolic place of power for all of us in Russia and the Russian Land - Red Square. And in order for the spirit of the Russian people to rise, some kind of ritual action is necessary. They will have a parade on Red Square. Even if it is postponed to the fall, it is still already indicated and important. Third. A protective dome over Russia - it is held by the Russian people, our roots (ancestors), an appeal to God and higher powers. And the upcoming Easter will refresh and renew the energies of our country. Believers are looking forward to it, and this will help relieve unnecessary stress. Fourth. About protection! Imagine that each person has his own path, his own destiny. Now we are together in a zone of destruction, but we are all thinking about each other, and about the world as a whole. Our government really does a lot for people. By the way, there is such an interesting feature (I have been convinced of this many times) that often rulers are given precisely for a difficult period for the country. These are precisely the people who are able to overcome difficulties. This is what happened, for example, with Stalin. This is exactly the person who was able to win the war on a global scale. I will not say platitudes on the topic of isolation. It is worth noting that you just need to listen and hear what they are trying to convey to you at a deeper level. It is important to increase your intuition and be able to read between the lines. To live not by fears, but by the fact that everything is bad, of course. Now a lot depends on us. We all together hold this protective dome against coronavirus over our country, and... maybe we'll expand it to a global scale.
