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Internal conflict is a collision of opposing value orientations of an individual, his needs, interests, and aspirations. The main causes of internal conflict are difficulties in choosing a solution, inadequate self-image, exorbitant claims, and opposing motives for self-affirmation. Often at the same moment we may have different and even opposing desires. For example: lie on the couch or meet with friends, get some sleep or get up earlier and go to an interesting place. The key to maintaining internal balance and well-being is the ability to resolve these internal contradictions by making choices and decisions. The magnitude and intensity of such conflicts depends on the social conditions in which we find ourselves. If they are stable and traditions are stable, then the possibility of choice is reduced, and accordingly the number of internal disagreements decreases. And, conversely, if the environment is constantly changing and developing, then a person constantly has to make a choice about how to act and what views and beliefs to adhere to. For example, if earlier there were stricter views on sexual relations, then there were only rules of behavior for everyone, and those who did not adhere to them were condemned. That is, there was no such choice and people often did not think about what to do. In the modern world, beliefs have become more democratic, which accordingly has increased the possibility of choice for a person, and this has led to constant doubts: “Am I doing the right thing?” In order to learn to be aware of your internal contradictions and make a choice, it is very important to adhere to the following conditions: - Be aware of your desires, needs, feelings. For example: do we really want to meet a friend, or do we meet because we don’t want to refuse. - Develop your own value system. If we always try to conform to the attitudes of our environment, then we do not do what is truly important to ourselves. For example: a son goes to study for a profession that his parents have chosen for him, because, in their opinion, it is the most promising and popular. Although at the same time, he himself doesn’t like her at all. - Willingness to give up some needs. When we make a choice, we always gain something and lose something. Therefore, it is very important to be willing to give up something in order to gain something. For example, if we decide to meet with friends, then we will have to give up relaxing on the couch. - The ability to take responsibility for your decisions, even if you make the wrong choice. To do this, a person must have enormous inner strength and independence. The more we recognize internal contradictions and look for solutions, the stronger our inner freedom and strength will be. The son asked his father: “What is your strength, father?” All day long you carry huge tree trunks on your shoulders, but you don’t look like you’re tired. “My strength is in indifference.” I don't care what kind of tree I'm carrying: thick or thin, long or short, heavy or light. Yes it is. Strength is always in indifference. In indifference to any obstacle, because none of them can stop a person on his path. The one who proves is wrong, the right one does not prove. The prover is weak. Logic cannot replace strength. Willpower and spirit are a substance far from geometry. The prover is always a petitioner; he asks that his evidence be treated with care. The right one is strong. He knows he's right. And that's enough. His correctness is obvious. She fills all the space around him, even when he is silent. His gaze convinces more than any arguments and stops the flow of words. It doesn’t matter whether you say “yes” or “no”, it doesn’t matter what arguments you give, what matters is whether you say “yes” or “no” out of strength or weakness. You can say “yes” "from strength: you could have said “no”, but decided to agree. You can say “yes” out of weakness:
