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These are interesting psychological attitudes. Some people see more in the events of life what has ended, ended, stopped, others notice the beginning of something new. And who is right? Nobody, and here's why. Both good and bad things come to an end. Often - naturally, it happens - unexpectedly and tragically. Often, “it’s over” means loss, fear, disappointment. If you see only this side of life, then existence becomes sad and unhappy. On the other hand, telling yourself that everything is just beginning can cause you to break away from reality and fall into self-deception. For example, not much begins at 80, much less than at 20. But what about optimism? It is wrong to assume that for optimists “everything is just beginning”, for pessimists – “it’s all over”. Pessimists will easily tell you that things are bad now, but everything is just beginning - horror lies ahead. Optimists easily believe that “it’s all over,” but this is now, and then a bright future will come, in another life, but definitely. Without falling into gloomy optimism and joyful pessimism, it is useful to find your correct position when and what ends, and when it is just beginning. Specificity is important here. I haven’t been particularly sick for 20 years, and even now it’s nothing to worry about, just a virus. For a week I had a fever and other manifestations of the virus in the stomach, the next week I was just weak, by the third week everything went away, but I still had a cough. So, I didn’t go to the gym for almost a month. Anyone who exercises regularly knows that achievements must be constantly maintained. Belinsky was right - if you don’t go forward, you go back. While I was sick, I lost my achievements. I can say goodbye to the 160 kg deadlift, 140 kg squat, and 140 kg bench press. Some will say that these are not large weights, others will think that they are solid, many will not even understand what I am writing about. It doesn’t matter, for me the achievements were significant, now they are in the past. Everything is over? Yes and no. My previous achievements are over for now. What does this understanding give me? I won’t go to the gym to storm the weights and prove to myself that nothing is missing, that I can lift the same amount. While I can’t, that means I won’t strain myself, why harm my health? On the other hand, a recovery program begins, slowly, gradually, but confidently towards new achievements. At first they will be smaller than they were before the disease, then maybe they will become even higher, why not? The loss of some achievements must be acknowledged in order to remain realistic. For new results, it is useful to accept the attitude - everything is just beginning. This is a particular example, hardly vital, but there are situations of difficult choice. When people break up, it is more often a sad situation than a joyful one. For example, divorce, division of property, making a decision about who the child will stay with. There are more tragedies here than you can imagine. Is divorce always the end of a relationship? Or is this necessarily the beginning of new ones? Depending on how a person perceives a situation, that is how he will act. Here it should be noted that “it’s all over, and everything is just beginning” can also have a positive side. and negative direction. For example, everything is over with my ex-wife (husband), which means I will take revenge, fight for the children, and ruin the life of my ex-partner as much as possible. Or, it’s all over, so there’s nothing left to divide, there’s nothing to fight for, you can treat your ex-partner just as well as you treat other people you know. It’s the same with the “everything is just beginning” attitude. Either a new stage of the war with the ex-husband (wife) begins, when the stamp in the passport no longer holds back, or a separate life with new opportunities. Examples of installations from life. The husband ordered the murder of his ex-wife. I talked to him in prison and asked him why he killed him? It turns out from the principle “so don’t let anyone get you,” well, since the relationship is over. For the ex-husband, this was sufficient grounds for organizing the murder, although in the criminal case it was written: “motivated by jealousy.” Another case: there lived a family with two small children. The wife had a great love, and.
