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Aurography and forgiveness. A case from practice. No one doubts the fact that around all living organisms there is a certain energy shell, called a biofield or aura. The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) method, or aurography, is a unique modern method for express diagnostics of a person’s energy and condition, based on the well-known Kirlian effect (“high-frequency photography”) and allows you to observe the dynamics of changes in a person’s state in the process of life, including under the influence of therapy. A few years ago I saw what my aura looks like before and after training in body-oriented therapy, and I immediately bought this device. Since then, many photographs and interesting observations have been taken, today I want to talk about one of them. A 30-year-old woman is at the reception. A serious problem in an intimate relationship with her husband has been voiced. The first 1.5 hour session is devoted, at the client’s request, to studying the cause. By the end of the session, it became clear that the relationship with her father was completely broken, whom the girl did not even want to remember, believing that he was wrong in everything, it was difficult for her to even call him father. Deep resentment, anger and rejection accumulated in her soul! At the second session, it was decided to work on the topic of accepting her father. It is known that accepting one's own parents plays a key role in every person's life, and this is a very important and often difficult job for the client associated with pain. Immediately before the session we take a photo of the aura. The aura is not bad, evenly distributed, but the gap in the aura in the genital area and its looseness along the spine are clearly visible. The client did her work brilliantly, I will not describe the session itself, but the woman was surprised that it was even possible to change her attitude towards a person, her father, in such a short period of time. At the end of the session (1.5 hours later), we did aurography again. Now it is quite clearly visible that the gap at the level of the uterus has practically closed, and, interestingly, the aura along the spine has improved, it has become denser and richer, because the spine is the protection and support that is given primarily by the father!
