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Happiness is a feeling, a feeling. To become a Happy Woman, it is important to feel and experience! In addition to the clear 10 signs: “What is the difference between a happy woman and an eternally tired woman?” There is one very important and valuable secret! Without which, everything else will not work! And this secret is to be able to feel! How is this? In order to feel feelings and sensations, you need to be aware of them, it is important to see them and understand them, and accept what is happening to you. Since childhood, a child is saturated with all feelings, the full range and depending on the situation in his life, from the world, from environment - moves along the scale feeling easily and freely. It is easy and free when he does not have an assessment of his feelings from the outside. He simply lives fully, to the fullest. Moreover, children do not tend to hang in one feeling for a long time, they easily, like a surfer on the waves, move from anger to joy) and back. If we take Hubbard’s scale of emotional tones as a basis, then the child easily slides along it and more often, yet naturally ends up at the top) - he feels and with his whole being FEEL HAPPINESS, BUT parents, grandmothers, and other adults turn on and begin to comment : joy good to be angry bad to be offended is bad, and most parents don’t even explain the reasons for their assessment - they just give it away. And the child considers his parents practically gods! He often cannot analyze everything they say and swallows without chewing... and then a problem arises that grows and progresses and takes away the feeling of both “bad” - in the opinion of significant adults, and “good”. If in childhood, you are filled with various feelings and are alive, constantly moving along the scale of emotions and living them fully, then gradually, growing up, the child gets used to suppressing BAD feelings that accumulate in clamps and ice inside. And a person learns to suppress both bad and, automatically, good feelings. Feelings are simply cemented inside a person. And gradually, every year, the skill of suppressing feelings becomes more and more developed. It becomes important to hide your feelings from others; it is already unacceptable and indecent to express joy and pleasure. And so, when the “Good Girl” is asked, How are you doing? Many answer: Normal! How is that normal? - No way! The person becomes insensitive, squeezed. Full of prohibitions that he doesn’t even realize. What’s wrong with the fact that people are closed and depressed? That people are not able to build a real life, open and vibrant relationships. They are not able to understand what is happening to them and show it to others. Walking frozen women, snow Queens - inside! How to learn to show feelings and not harm yourself or others Step 1: See and realize your feeling. Rejoice to the fullest. If you are angry, speak honestly yourself. Step 2: accept your feeling, any feeling, agree with it. Don't evaluate, but accept. Yes, I'm angry now, annoyed. Acceptance and recognition of a feeling often leads to the fact that you already experience it quickly. After all, the problem is that you don’t accept, you suppress, you fight within yourself with your feelings. And a voice inside my head, mom’s or dad’s, “This is not decent, good girls don’t behave like that.” At this point, it can be difficult to cope on your own. If you understand that this is about you, contact a specialist. Step 3: How is it useful to me now? What does it show me and what does it teach me? Yes, yes, all feelings are important and necessary! and this is a big and important topic! Step 4: transformation into action: what can I do in my life so that my feeling is sincerely transformed into another. How can I now change my behavior, communication, in order to regain real joy and enthusiasm. By accepting and realizing all feelings, you become truly ALIVE and REAL and, of course, you will also truly feel HAPPINESS! By pinching and suppressing which - feelings and sensations that are “bad” in your opinion, by hiding them from yourself, you will not be able to experience and fully express the “good” ones! A course for independent work on your happiness:!
