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From the author: “On the road to “later” you will always come to the house of “never” (American proverb). The word “procrastination” has many Russian-language synonyms: laziness, red tape, rigmarole, shirking from work, putting things off until tomorrow, until “later.” The result of this behavior is that a person does not solve the necessary problems, does not achieve goals, results and, accordingly, success. Scientists and practitioners offer a lot of methods and ways to combat the manifestations of procrastination. Traditionally, the attitude “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” helps to cope with procrastination. The most well-known and effective methods of time management are the science of time management. Among them are: 1. Make a schedule for every day, where all your tasks will be scheduled according to time. Be sure to follow the instructions! Start with easier tasks, complete them in parts. It’s easier if these are actually solvable tasks that match your capabilities. You will solve tasks that you consider achievable without anxiety and fear, thereby taking small steps closer to your intended results. Even if you miss something on your to-do list, something will get done! 2. Divide all the tasks for the coming day into a) important and urgent; b) important and NOT urgent; c) NOT important and urgent; d) NOT important and NOT urgent. To do this, divide the diary page into 4 parts and enter what is planned in the appropriate segment. Start working on important and urgent tasks, and start working on unimportant and non-urgent tasks last. Also use long-term planning, which will allow you to mentally see the future and anticipate ways to achieve your goals.3. Alternate types of activities, for example, alternating mental work with physical work, and then with “legal” rest. If, for example, sedentary work requires long-term immersion in the text, be sure to allow yourself short pauses and breaks, during which you do some physical exercises or “treat” yourself for your hard work with a cup of coffee, ice cream, a piece of chocolate, etc. In this way you will support yourself in a state of working capacity. But if you suddenly want to call someone without an urgent need, just prohibit yourself from doing so, otherwise you will not complete what you planned, and “Madame Procrastination” will laugh and celebrate her victory over you.4. Realize whether the task that you are putting off was imposed on you from the outside by someone? (that is, “they want it, but not me”). By avoiding business and responsibility, you can show resistance because you are not interested in this business, it is not in your area of ​​competence, you do not want to deal with this business right now, etc. If you still cannot avoid this work, find at least some positive motivation to start doing. Tell yourself: “I decided, I WANT and will do it because...”. Find the advantages of the fact that this task will be completed efficiently and on time. Be sure to please yourself with something, give yourself compliments and accept them from other people who sincerely appreciate you and your activities! 5. Get rid of perfectionism. Trying to do something “at the highest level” and/or better than many others, you risk never starting to do it, and, improving the result ad infinitum, never finishing what you started. Remember the words of Salvador Dali: “Don’t be afraid of perfection, it doesn’t threaten you at all!” 6. Allow yourself the “right to make mistakes,” because “only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” Don’t “bite” yourself if you suddenly make a mistake, because self-criticism lowers self-esteem.7. Fight chronophages - “time eaters”. There are still many people around us who do not know what to do with themselves, because they have no hobbies and a poor area of ​​interest. 8. Communicate with successful people whose achievements are the work of their own hands. Ask them how they achieved such high results? People often, even in spontaneous speech, share the secrets of their achievements, which will become discoveries for you and!
