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The ability to take responsibility for your life actually consists of having and accepting three most important beliefs: “I can”, “I can” and “it’s okay to make mistakes.” The first is “I can” ”, is formed in early childhood. In this state, a person, like a small child, simply explores the world, regardless of the dangers. In other words, he does what he wants. While his parents carefully ensure that his acquaintance with the world does not develop into a tragedy. The second belief is “I can.” This is already the state of a teenager who will achieve what he needs, no matter what. He simply takes and goes where he is drawn. The third belief is “it’s okay to make mistakes.” Maximum adult state. A person takes responsibility for what is happening in his own life, including accepting that his decisions can have various consequences. Such a person will no longer work until his death as a lawyer just because his parents paid for his law school education or live with an unloved woman because it is right. The absence of any of these three permissions entails a feeling of helplessness. Thus, the absence of “I can” creates the feeling that you are not entitled to something, that you are not allowed to do something. “I can” is responsible for excessive rationalization, or rather the lack thereof. If “I can is missing,” you will do the right thing, but not the way you would like. “It’s okay to make mistakes”, in the absence of it, fetters your movements, since you constantly have to wait for someone else’s permission. If you are, in principle, capable of change and decisive action, but are under the influence of false beliefs, most likely you really really want changes . But even after realizing this desire for change, it is quite easy to fall into the trap of your own excuses. It’s easy to start convincing yourself that you don’t have enough resources and strength to accomplish what you want. Learned helplessness is not just a wound, it’s a fixation on it. That’s why it’s so important to stop looking for excuses and start taking action. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +79202946939 Skype: ktatian1
