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Can an addicted person learn to live sober? Learn to think differently. Live differently. Live in such a way that every day you live is not filled with headaches and a sense of shame. Dear readers, I present to your attention the final material of the recovery process of an addicted person. The rehabilitator has been in the program for 2 months, but in such a short time he was able to achieve certain results, which he outlined in this letter. Whether this is a lot or a little is up to you to decide! So, let's begin."Until recently, I didn’t know what I had a choice is a choice to live soberly. Quitting drinking is easy, but not everyone can take advantage of this during their lifetime. And I was once a child and didn’t know what alcohol was, but growing up in a family where my dad was an addict, sometimes going into oblivion, experiencing it. feeling of guilt and repentance, during periods of sobriety - a hard worker at work and a jack of all trades at home, and an exemplary family man who knew how to enjoy life and his sobriety, and his mother was codependent, and all her life reproaching, pitying, persuading, tolerating and believing that it is decent - a little bit possible, but without continuation... Or rather, the end has come for dad. Eight days of unconsciousness. And he didn’t have time to take advantage of the opportunity to live soberly. And I had my own idea about my relationship with alcohol. Seeing how my father suffers, and what suffering he brings to the whole family, and at the same time, observing holidays and birthdays, when everyone is easy and happy, I was sure that culturally it would sometimes be possible when I grew up, but I wouldn’t As a dad, this won't affect me. I chose the path of cultural consumption, not the path of an alcoholic. And I thought that it was I who decided so. And I was deeply mistaken. It was worth drinking just the first glass. Unbeknownst to me, and at first to those around me, I began to develop an addiction. The lies to myself and my loved ones drove me further and further into a dead end. The threshold of prejudice was so great that I could not say “no” to myself, and to a greater extent I could not decide that I needed to do anything. And my life became unmanageable, with fears and uncertainty. But the moment came when living like this became unbearable, it was not life, but the miserable existence of an impersonal bodily shell, a moment when a screaming need awakened in me a timid desire to act, and I realized that this disease was incurable and it was useless to fight it. This is our general ignorance and the artificial imposition from childhood of the so-called theory of cultural consumption, and the false idea - either alcoholism or cultural consumption, and there is no third option, all this has led not only to the problem of an individual dependent person, but also to a very big problem, problem of national disaster. But the truth is that I, like any other addicted person, was deprived of the right to free choice, the choice of normal natural sobriety from birth to death, which only sober adults - parents, educators, teachers, doctors - could give me. And I realized that in order to learn to live without alcohol, to live soberly and happily, you need to eliminate illiteracy, work on yourself with maximum honesty and open-mindedness, with the help of new knowledge, form new logical thinking, build new relationships with your inner self and with others. This is a very long, difficult, thorny path, overcome through pain and tears, the path of humility and patience, the path without looking back to the past, the path of forgiveness and recognition of oneself. Now I know - this path exists. And this is my choice."Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us, please leave comments on the article.
