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What are the important astrological events of the month? Jupiter enters the sign of Scorpio on October 10. And it expands and enhances all the characteristics of this sign. And since Jupiter is a social planet, “Scorpio” notes will be especially felt and manifested in society. How - largely depends on the level of development of the social group in which we belong or are somehow connected. In the negative aspect, this can be various unrest, mass discontent. Issues of justice - injustice, morality - immorality, stability of views, fulfillment of duty, as well as issues of debts and obligations begin to actively arise and develop. The theme of magic is also intensifying - especially sexual, as well as all cemetery trends, rituals of death and rebirth. At the highest level - this is the development of traditions, spiritual schools, comprehension of the secrets of the universe, serving the Higher Powers. And deep transformations - at all levels. Well, and, Of course, the area of ​​life (the house of your horoscope) that is included in the sign of Scorpio will receive the greatest expansion and development. It is important to note the periods of Jupiter's aspects to planets and important points in your horoscope. On October 14, Venus enters the sign of its rulership, Libra. Venus describes our tastes, preferences, liking, hobbies, and selection criteria. This means that we will like everything beautiful and elegant (even if it is not entirely practical and not entirely necessary). The desire to decorate yourself, your space, home, things will be prevalent. Also, the sphere of art, creativity, and music will be especially popular. New partnerships or revival of fading feelings, restoration of relationships are possible - not only in personal life, but also in business, areas of interest. But do not enter into new relationships or try to resolve old conflicts on tense aspects of Venus if you are not confident in the virtuosity of your diplomatic skills. This is mainly on October 8 and 28 and +/- 2 days. On October 22, Mars enters the sign of Libra. This is the place of his exile. Mars is “out of his element” here; it is difficult for him to find adequate use for himself - he, like an old soldier, does not know the words of love and does not know how to express his feelings. Therefore, especially on tense aspects of Mars, conflict is brewing in relationships. Feelings are expressed violently and often inappropriately. Mars needs to act, and in Libra it needs to be done beautifully. Therefore, the most suitable way of self-expression for Mars in Libra is dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, etc. But this applies more to those with natal Mars in Libra or aspects to Venus. The sign Scorpio welcomes Mercury into its ranks on October 17 and the Sun on October 23. And against the background of Scorpio tendencies already activated by Jupiter, we are not surprised at the increased interest in mysticism, magic, the theme of death, sex. Also, a desire for sarcasm and “black humor” suddenly emerges. Jealousy, fears of losing property, relationships, dramatic experiences in love, craving for extreme sports, escalating crisis situations do not allow you to get bored on cool autumn evenings and nights. As for the aspects of the planets, they influence you only if there is some aspect of the same planets in your natal chart or the transit aspect affects your planets or important points in your natal chart. The square of Venus and Saturn on October 8 can lead to emotional stupor, cooling of feelings, conflicts and misunderstandings between partners. Also - to breakage, damage or loss of jewelry, clothes, cars, hairstyles with a violation of their aesthetic appearance. The quadrant of Mercury and Pluto on October 9 will provoke accidents on the roads and at home, failure of equipment, contribute to the destruction or damage of global information systems, as well as major transport breakdowns. Conflicts out of the blue can lead to serious consequences in life. The brain can literally “explode” from trying to comprehend huge amounts of information or solve global problems here and now. Sun square Pluto 10.
