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Abstract core is “Oh, is it?” Core 00127 Key to start. Look at the picture, read the description. This is an alarm clock. When triggered, a beep sounds. If the signal is not turned off, the bill cutting mechanism starts ($300 is loaded in the photo), which works until the last bill. Core activation. How not to lie to yourself. Yes, yes, you need an impartial and incorruptible arbiter between your plans and reality. Like a magic ruler, it can accurately show the distance by which they do not coincide. And this is good. Otherwise, by being cunning in your calculations, you make yourself weaker, poorer, and less successful. So how many plans in your life do you really need (want to; would like to) fulfill? And why do they stand in line for months or years? Set an “alarm clock” for each such task. And then bonuses await you: You will understand the real value of this act for yourself You will find out how much money you are willing to give just to never do it again You will experience at the end of the chain setting an alarm clock -> alarm sound -> starting a task and completing it - a huge relief (even if the case ended immediately, without even starting :) P.S. For advanced users. No need to load your alarm clock with one-dollar bills. This is the same as paying 500-800 rubles for a month of yoga classes and skipping classes for the whole month. Don't turn your alarm clock into a machine for recycling small bills. And now the question: How much money do you need to charge into your alarm clock to turn off the “undisturbed” morning sleep? No, honestly, how much?
