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What is adaptation? Adaptation (Latin – adaptation) is a multifunctional concept for pedagogy. It denotes a person’s ability to change his behavior, state or attitude towards something depending on changes in living conditions. Something happens to the child, as if he suddenly “develops backwards”. He has regressed in everything he has achieved: in speech, skills, abilities, and play. Maybe he was just sick? Got some kind of infection that affected him so much? He actually has a runny nose. And yesterday he had a fever... Why doesn’t he like kindergarten so much? He himself insisted that he was bored, he himself wanted to play with the children. So he was only pretending. After all, after all, they didn’t replace the baby! "Replaced"..."Replaced" life and circumstances. He is what he should be. Don't worry, it's all natural. And of course, it will pass soon. Your child is simply adapting (adapting) to the garden. He has a period of adaptation to it. Adaptation is usually difficult with a lot of negative changes in the child’s body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. Only you usually only see the tip of the iceberg, and this is the child’s behavior. But your behavior also confuses you. And if you knew what was going on in the child’s body and soul when he first goes to kindergarten, you would hardly ever send him to this new children’s group. In it, he is constantly as if under a current of strong neuropsychic tension, which does not stop for a minute. He is on the verge of stress or fully feels the stress. In addition, remember about the crisis of three years, which can be layered during the period of adaptation of the child. You need to know, and you probably already know, that at this time your baby first felt like a person and wants others to see it. But we others don’t see this, or at least we don’t want to see it; it’s easier for us for everything to be the same as before. Therefore, the baby is on edge, defending his personality to us, and his psyche becomes more vulnerable than before to the influence of various environmental circumstances. If the severity of stress is great, the child will obviously have a breakdown, and he will probably get sick. For now, you just see and observe in the baby the manifestation of his protest in the form of various neurotic reactions, indicating the rather strong psycho-emotional stress that he experiences. Moreover, this tension is at its height, and you see how it manifests itself mainly on the psycho-emotional level in your child. Adaptation phases. Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss and more frequent respiratory diseases , sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, regression in speech development; the phase lasts on average one month. The subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all changes decrease and are recorded only in individual parameters, against the backdrop of a slower pace of development, especially mental, compared to average age norms; the phase lasts 3–5 months. The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development, and by the end of the school year children overcome the above developmental delay. In this case, there are three degrees of severity of the passage of the acute phase of the adaptation period: 1 - 16 days - mild; 16-32 - adaptation of moderate severity; from 32 to 64 days - severe. Easy adaptation. The child’s behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite reaches normal levels by the end of the first week, Sleep improves after 1-2 weeks. The child has a predominant joyful or stable-calm emotional state; He is in contact with adults, children, surrounding objects, Quickly gets used to new conditions (an unfamiliar adult, a new room, communication with a group of peers). Speech may be inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. Incidence no more than once, without complications. Average adaptation. The emotional state is unstable, observed.
