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From the author: I really want that after reading this article there will be at least one more happy mother in our country! Create, wonder, rejoice, try! Be real! Be yourself! And don't be afraid to take action! Good luck! You know, I noticed that mother is not just a new social status that a woman acquires after the birth of a child. Mom is a new form of communication between two once close friends, two relatives, the mother of the woman who gave birth and her daughter. Mom is a new way of interacting with the outside world. And, of course, being a mother is stressful. Whether we like it or not, postpartum depression is a funny thing that comes to many of us. We “defend” it by saying that “this is how it should be.” There is simply a “perestroika” in the family. But in reality, it is difficult to understand why the situation is sad, and support often comes from soap operas and popular talk shows. In fact, what we, many mothers, are afraid to admit to ourselves is happening - we are overcome by laziness. Apathy. We find a “secluded refuge” where we can spend a little more time in front of TV or with a tablet in our hands. The universe itself “helped” us and gave us a so-called vacation called “motherhood”! And there is nothing wrong with the fact that dishes can sit unwashed in the sink for a week. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that home clothes have faded, lost their appearance, and become stained. There’s nothing wrong at all with the fact that your hair was last washed about five days ago (that’s when you took a shower). Well, then, there will be nothing bad in the fact that in a year, or in extreme cases, in three, dad will leave mom. And how can he even do this to someone who “devotes herself to her child”?! Dear mothers! This article is also written by a mother. Finally, be honest with yourself. Separate the wheat from the chaff, at least in dialogue with yourself. Admit it, a young mother has more than enough time. Yes Yes! Many people quite happily take care of their home and work. Many people find a hobby they like and devote a lot of time to it. Finally, the time has come when many periodicals began to literally shout that maternity leave is a time of opportunity. A time when you can find a new hobby, perhaps take up distance education or remote work. Maternity leave is a time when, along with the new role of motherhood, you can also master new roles of self-realization. Have you long wanted to take care of your figure? You will probably never have as much time as on maternity leave! No matter how loudly you laugh at this phrase now, if you have a small child, you can find 1-2 hours a day to take care of your body. Quite likely at home. It is likely that you will experience the gaze of your child. So why not immediately set him the right example of self-care? Have you wanted to read a fairly large number of books on self-development? The cards are in your hands! Here it is - that very chance to master reading, when you can find an hour or two, probably lying down with your baby. Have you dreamed of learning new dishes or the basics of cooking from other countries? God forbid, the child will not interfere with this in any way! On the contrary, while he is lying on the sofa or mastering a walker, you can master a new dish. Now do you understand what the phrase really means - taking the first steps TOGETHER with your child?! Take new steps too! Did you want to refresh your relationship with your husband? By the way, you probably forgot about your husband a long time ago. Especially about what tender, subtle, warm feelings you have for him? Very in vain. After all, he needs you no less than you need him. You just probably skillfully “extinguish” your need for a husband, and most importantly, for mutual pleasure called sex. What's stopping you from bringing back the old colors in your bedroom? Treat your child's sleep schedule wisely. Tailor it to suit you, despite numerous recommendations. And most importantly, listen to recommendations less. Even those described above. If you are happy as a mother, as a wife, as a woman, then, of course, you will!
