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I will continue to describe strategies for behavior in conflict. Beginning: https://www.b17.ru/article/275214/In fact, concession is one of the types, a special case of avoidance with some nuances. Here it is important to understand what exactly a person is avoiding. When he gives in, he avoids confrontation, negative emotions, rejection, and accusations. Also, a concession can be part of a compromise, that is, you conceded something to me, and I will concede to you in something. If we talk about internal conflicts, then a concession can be a temporary need to give up, to neglect some needs for the sake of others. But not only a concession can be a way of avoiding negative emotions. Avoidance can also be in the form of lies, omissions, unfulfilled promises. If, when making a concession, a person neglects his own interests, then with such avoidance in the form of lies and unfulfilled promises, a person is irresponsible towards the interests of others. Avoidance can also take the form of cutting off contact altogether. That is, during any aggravation of the conflict, when the need to confront arises, a person prefers to leave the relationship completely, abruptly end it, or begin to ignore, sabotage, significantly increasing the psychological distance. This way of behavior in a conflict is fraught with the fact that the interests and needs are still not satisfied, neither one’s own nor those of others. If both spouses in a couple have a developed strategy, then often people do not talk for years and do not try to meet each other halfway and outwardly they may even look like a prosperous couple, while the tension will be quite strong and at some point this can break off the relationship completely. Avoidance of conflicts, or rather confrontations, is undoubtedly the result of upbringing, when even in childhood they were instilled with the idea that conflict is definitely bad. Often, avoiding conflicts leads a person to isolation, or rather to self-isolation. In light of today's events, such a person quarantines himself from any contact, since all contacts can lead to conflicts. Even making a phone call is very difficult for him. If a person does come into contact with a pattern of avoidant behavior, he may experience psychological phenomena such as derealization or depersonalization. That is, it is as if the person himself is not participating in the contact, but only its shell. However, the art of avoiding conflicts also has its advantages if the person does this consciously. Firstly, such a person does not get drawn into unnecessary squabbles and quarrels if this does not affect any serious interests for him. He is not susceptible to various types of manipulation, that is, he is not prone to codependent rescue relationships. If a concession is made more often out of fear of rejection, then other types of avoidance are caused by the fear of absorption, that is, a person avoids, first of all, conforming to the will of others. In this one can see some tendency towards counter-dependence. Continued https://www.b17.ru/article/275610/
