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From the author: Be happy! Take care of what you have and what you believe in! Don’t betray yourself and your values! Love and enjoy life, even if no one understands you! When a person begins to work on himself, to work through his life crises, traumas and personal difficulties, he is always faced with the question of how to realize and then satisfy his needs. He begins to search, at first timidly and hesitantly, then he manages to more directly and clearly formulate his requests and appeals to others. Often on his way he meets people who are not capable understand what he wants and why he needs it. Along the way you have to face rejections and depreciation, but you must pick yourself up and move on. Then it becomes easier when every refusal is no longer perceived as a personal insult. At a certain point, there is even a feeling that these needs are being satisfied on their own. But it’s not far from the next dead end in personal growth. After all, the more a person grows psychologically, the fewer people left who can understand him. The difference in the awareness of one's own life becomes very noticeable. A heartbreaking question arises about what to do next?!1. Be. Moreover, of course! If only because you have come a colossal path in your development and formation. This is a great wealth that cannot be measured only in the amount of money spent on it, because this is only one part of your investment in yourself. Nothing would have happened if you simply paid money to a psychologist, group leader, and so on. You worked on yourself and on yourself through your own, and not other people’s, feelings and experiences, you overcame obstacles, even if with the help of someone, but according to your own desire and aspiration. Such wealth should not be given away just so that someone can understand you better. I’m not talking about extremes, because, in addition to everything, you showed your flexibility to work, so you can and will be able to give in in some ways, if this is true worth it.2. You cannot please everyone. No matter how hard you try to do well for everyone, this will not happen. There will always be those who don't like it. Therefore, you will have to abandon the idea that you can and should be friends with everyone. This is not possible and not entirely necessary. Even if you sincerely think that you need it. Honestly, listen to yourself and admit that it doesn’t matter that much. Yes, there are those friends and people close to your heart with whom you really want to improve your relationships, and this is a narrow circle. And also, if you waste energy on everyone and everything, then there may simply not be enough for the most important ones. Therefore, prioritize and take care of what is truly valuable to you.3. They will tell you that you are from another planet. This is normal. You know, I am also from another planet and I really value and am proud of this. But I have a more unique and mysterious planet, it is special and inimitable. Remember that you are special and unique and you have done a lot for it. This is something worth being proud of, and not hiding. The unknown scares others, but these are their own fears, do not get infected. After all, only the brave, having overcome their fear and taken risks, will approach you to examine you. And this will be a rare, unique, almost supernatural moment, which arose precisely because of your unusualness and dissimilarity from others! And this is worth living for!4. Appreciate and not give up positions. In fact, that says it all. Don't betray yourself and your values. After all, you will not be happy if you rape yourself or allow others to do it. You have the right not to want something, even if a loved one asks you for it. You don’t have to leave him in the dark, but explain your position and emphasize that you love him and that he is dear to you.5. Love yourself and enjoy life! This is, let’s say, the main recipe. Our life is made up of little things, and enjoy each of them. This does not mean that life is an eternal thrill, but maybe it means... Life is a huge platform for joy and pleasure,/4556/1/
