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DREAM ANALYSIS: TAKEING A SON FROM MOTHER AT ANY COST (gaining resource and independence) Dream description: I dreamed that I was traveling on public transport with a little girl daughter, no more than 1.5 years old (I have her, Vera). We're on our way from the hospital. Either they were treated together, or just me. We’re going home, but I’m very uncomfortable that my little son (I don’t have him) is with my mother and she doesn’t want to give him to me. He wants me to rest and wait until tomorrow, but I don’t want to, I want to pick him up. We accidentally go out in the city center (this is Yekaterinburg) and I hear my mother shouting to me from the window. I ask her to come to her to pick up her son, but she screams no, not now. He says he’s playing, he feels good with me. She lives high up in a beautiful prestigious house and I see a picture, she shows me - my son is lying on the bed and playing with silver bells (he is 2-3 months old). And while I want to pick him up and yell to my mom that I need him, I’m losing my daughter. I get scared, I remember about her. I run to look, shouting: “Faith, faith!” I don’t see, there are a lot of children her age everywhere, big buses go here and there. In the end, I finally saw her, called her, she roared. I pick her up, take her in my arms and run after my son. I find the entrance to this house and understand that I didn’t know that my mother lives here. Her apartment is not at all in the center and not at all so prestigious. The house is large, with a concierge, white marble inside and stairs, an elevator. I think that I should send my mom a Happy New Year card here, and not to the old address. Then I find the elevator, remembering which apartment number and press the button. But the elevator doesn't move. I do not know what to do. Then an elderly woman comes, manually closes the elevator door and the elevator starts moving. I think it’s so good that she helped. I’m going to the top floor, I go out, I can’t find my mother’s door, the numbers are wrong. And then mom comes out, I run from her, find an open door, mom says, take off your shoes. With Vera in my arms, I stretch out my shoes, throw them away and run to my son. Mom says, feed him, I say nothing, there is no milk, but he will endure it until home. Mom says don’t wake him up when he’s sleeping. But I take the blanket, wrap it up and take it into my arms. And she also shouted at my mother: “Tema, Tema, I’ll take you away” (my husband’s name is Artem). When I took him, my mother disappeared, my husband was sad in the corner. I left him with the children, with Vera and Tema, and said: “Call your girlfriend, she will understand you.” He said he didn’t want to. Then we rode home with the children on the tram and met a colleague. She says that she regrets having given birth to 2 children. That my husband doesn’t work and there’s no money, and I say: “My dear, everything is fine with us))) and I’m glad that I have 2 children.” And then I found myself at home, and my husband there is not mine! And I constantly have this dream that my husband is not mine. And I’m so sad and offended all the time that it’s not him! And then when I wake up and see him, I’m so happy) Thank you if you write something. Answer: Good afternoon. Your dream shows a path, a process – that is unfolding in your inner world. At the very beginning of the dream, there is a specific task - to take the son from the mother. And then it is already shown how you go this path. And there is a culmination of the dream - when you took your son and met your husband. But your husband is not yours. An important feeling of a dream is disappointment from a collision with a reality that does not meet expectations: mother does not live in a prestigious apartment, did not want to give birth to two, the expectation of seeing her husband - but in the end - the husband is not yours. That is, expectations do not match what you see. It is important to think about how this manifests itself in reality for you. Are you often deceived, expecting one thing and getting something else? Next, you can (and should) look at dreams from different angles and explore them. As always, it is your associations that are important. But since you contacted me, I will share my thoughts about your dream and what the dream shows you. Because you feel that I can help you and that I have what you need. You have an unconscious belief in this. And faith gives you the strength to achieve your goal. In the dream this is clearly illuminated. It's important not to lose
