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Scientists and poets are still arguing about how a person came to such an education as FAMILY. Some talk about the practical, material side, saying that it was easier to survive as a group; others believe in the power of emotional attraction, because our ancestors, long ago, could sympathize with each other and even love! Like Eduard Asadov in “Ancient Rendezvous”: Then, grumbling something affectionately, For the first time he was not wild and not at all rude, he touched with his lips her shoulder And open lips in amazement... But we have no time for arguing about the evolution of family relationships, we want today in the family not only to survive, but also to be happy!!! So, for some reason and for some reason, the family exists... With On the one hand, it exists for the benefit of the state and society, on the other, for the benefit of the individual, that is, me personally, you personally. Let's talk about why family is for us, our spouses, our children, our parents... We will talk about the functions of the family, and about , how this is ideally... But how things might actually be, I am sure that you, dear reader, can write a whole book about this. I am familiar with different views on family functions (scientists are not asleep, but everyone classifies and classifies what they what we do or don't deal with every day). In my work I adhere to the approach proposed by M.S. Matskovsky (there’s no place without surnames - we must respect the right to intellectual property). In my reasoning, I will start from the list proposed by the author. If family life is divided into spheres, then the following will be clearly expressed: - reproductive; - educational; - household; - economic; - sphere of primary social control; - social status; - sexual, - leisure; - sphere of spiritual communication; - emotional, psychotherapeutic function. And by sphere and function. Accordingly, the family allows you to satisfy the need for children (reproductive function). It is possible, of course, without a family, but deep in the collective unconscious lie the archetypes of mother and father, the mother of her child and the father of her child. A person has a need for these niches to be filled: the child is looking for a mother, looking for a father, he has a primary expectation of their presence or their presence at a minimum. A woman also has a need for her man to “stand” behind her child, and for men it is important that his child has a mother, even if they live separately. Life corrects these expectations; family members are not always related by blood; there are many examples of adopted children, remarriages, etc. Fortunately, archetypes are flexible and a deep emotional connection can arise both without blood relationship and when living separately. Thus, if there is a family (even without blood relationship), this provides greater integrity, a sense of completeness, security for both the children born in it and the parents themselves. In addition to the need to give birth to children, a person also has a need to educate them: to pass on knowledge, experience, to form a new person, to realize oneself in this. With what pleasure fathers take their son fishing! If there is no son, they take the daughter and teach her to put a worm on a hook. And children have a need to be filled, to develop, to be supplemented by their parents. Yes, this process is complex and contradictory (remember children’s adolescence), but it is important for everyone in the family. Later, children realize how much was given by their parents. And the parents are happy that they created the most important product of their creativity - a new Man! The household function is the most mundane, but this does not make it any less important. It is called upon to take care of the physical environment of our daily living, of our body (in the vital sense), of the external side of life. We want to eat, drink, live in warmth and comfort. The more skilled, hardworking hands there are in the household, the better... When a woman entered the productive sphere of life, the house became the responsibility of both spouses. Children grow up and connect. To maintain a good standard of living, significant financial resources are needed. Ideally, cohabitation increases income (the economic function of the family). Besides this, the familySurprisingly, it allows you to save money! If it were not for its presence, various companies would have to pay for all services. For example, my husband repairs my umbrella himself. The function of primary social control raises especially many questions. What is it about? And about the fact that everything happens in our lives!!! At some moments, it becomes necessary for someone to take control of a person (for example, addiction to alcohol), or care (for serious illnesses). Regarding children, this goes without saying! Parents are legally responsible for the well-being and law-abiding behavior of their children. The most important argument in defense of this function is the fact that there are more suicides among single people. The social-status function implies the possibility of social advancement due to the presence of a family. And, indeed, children raised in a family have a better chance of getting settled in life. Older people who have children are more protected. Family members, even distant ones, may have a variety of acquaintances that will come in very handy. In addition, when hiring, family people are often given preference. Unless, of course, the work involves year-long business trips to Antarctica. There is a stereotype that a family man is more organized and disciplined. Sexual function is independent and has almost no connection with reproductive function. So you can and should have sex not only to conceive children, that is, 2-3 times in your entire life. The need for sex is biological, not only in connection with the need for population reproduction. A full sexual life is important for physical health and for the harmony of the emotional sphere. This is the most powerful life resource, since the human sexual sphere is a source of vital energy. Remember a sleepless night, when your eyes close, you no longer have any strength, you finish the “nasty” work that you took home for some reason, you are about to turn off the computer and suddenly you accidentally find yourself on a “bad” site. The sand in the eyes disappears, vision becomes sharp, strength returns, and the mood for wakefulness appears. Was there anything like that? So - this is it - sexual energy, and Z. Freud argued that it is the energy of life in general. The family ensures the regularity and safety of satisfying sexual needs. Sexual relationships are improved, because spouses in marriage get to know each other and take care of their partner, because this is an elementary manifestation of respect. In addition to physical and pragmatic pleasure, family brings a lot of emotional joy in life. For example, spending evenings, weekends, holidays, vacations together (leisure function). The more varied, rich, and interesting they are, the happier the person is. Even if we are talking about the need for passive rest, the family can help with this. The husband will cook the food, the children will wash the dishes, and the mother will rest after a daily shift. What about joint trips to nature, roller skating? Watching TV? Fun, laughter... After such a weekend, the week at work will be successful and will pass in one breath. Spiritual communication in the family involves the cultural enrichment of each other, the development of each other in intellectual and ethical terms. In fact, one of the most important functions of the family. Indeed, in our time, the spiritual, cognitive needs of man have come to the fore (he no longer needs to survive, civilization has more or less given some guarantees). In addition to TV, books and the Internet, a source of wisdom and beauty can be parents, a significant other, and then children who outgrow us, because “The teacher is bad if his students do not outgrow him.” The other side of civilization is its frantic pace and stress. Every day a person faces stress at work, in relationships, regarding health, material well-being; due to the mental level of a modern person, he has more internal problems and worries. Most likely, it was in connection with this that the profession of psychologist emerged to help a person survive difficult situations.
