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This was at the beginning of the lives of each of us. Once upon a time, being in our mother’s tummy, we felt a total connection with this world, unity... we received everything we needed, simply because we are, remaining ourselves, without exerting no effort! At the moment of birth, everyone experiences a painful separation from the whole world... through separation by the mother, together with this separation we experience a kind of separation from the source... and we begin to learn to do something... and be something... . to get what we need! (Starting with - screaming, crying, to get food, attention... and up to - being someone, somehow... obedient, good, smart, beautiful... to get approval, love, acceptance, gifts) And then, as they grow older, everyone begins their own process of separating themselves from themselves, their own selves and the emergence of a feeling of worthlessness and insufficiency... We all come to this feeling - worthlessness and insufficiency, it’s just that everyone in my degree..."I, as I am, am not good enough... because I need to be something else in order to get what I need."The older and more conscious a child becomes, the more he is determined by how everything works here. ..learns to adapt, to be comfortable, to be not oneself. Loses touch with true desires and resources. And by the age of 30, some earlier, some later... suddenly realizes that he is lost... and wakes up...Wakes up...how on that hangover morning, when your head is buzzing, everything around is alien and incomprehensible, behind you is a wild night with thoughtless actions and an unpleasant aftertaste... and one question... Lord, how much could you drink to end up here...? And in your head, Some kind of worldwide flood begins... from a stream of questions... which now seems to cover the head and there will be nothing to breathe...Who am I? What am I talking about? What are my desires and dreams? What do I really want? What is my strength? How, where, with whom do I want to be...? Do I really think so? Is this really my reaction? What should I do with this body... I don’t understand it and I don’t feel it... why does it hurt? Is this my place? Is this my person? Everything inside seems to be blown away by a storm... and then, when it calms down, a huge field, sown with the debris of life, opens before my eyes... the path home begins... Back... to THAT STATE, the state of a child, who is worthy of everything, simply because he exists! In a place where I feel myself, my heart, my body, my response, my truth... where I don’t need advice and tips from the outside, where the most important thing is already inside. Where is mine and about me. Where I love myself because I am me, where I can be me! And everything is so easy and natural... Yes... it’s not a fact that there, in my house, pink unicorns run through flower meadows and there are no storms... there are other ones! But they are mine, about me and about mine growth... but not the external one, where I always prove to everyone that I am worthy of living, breathing, being loved, but growth inside me, even closer to myself and to the source, to connecting with everything... from a state, a feeling - I AM ENOUGH
