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The future of the expert market We are all interested in what the future of the expert market will be. Here we can only guess, but some trends are so obvious that the probability of events associated with them tends to 100%. This is what we will discuss. Another forecast. First, this is machine learning. The expert market always starts with some kind of task. Where a solution can be automated, humans are easily replaced by machines. For example, accounting, auditing or certain areas of finance. Blockchain will completely destroy these industries, but AI will drive the nail into the coffin. In general, for example, financial advisors are already an endangered species. Because most of them will advise you to invest in an index. And I can advise you to invest in an index. And if you enter the field of individual stocks, day investing, complex financial instruments, then your probability of beating the market is the same as that of professionals - very low. We are not talking now about insights that are not necessarily related to the profession. Therefore, the first trend is the replacement of simple tasks with a machine. What will not replace AI? Problems for which there is no solution yet. Complex tasks. And it’s worth going there if you’re an expert. Secondly, about uniqueness. Until 2015-2016, well, until the start of meta-modernity, let it be approximately 2015-2016, although I think Vine and Tik-Tok are the cutoff for the start of meta-modernity. modern, but not the point. In general, before 2016, being unique was important. That is, even post-modernity strived for this, for some kind of rethinking of modernity, attempts to create something of its own. While meta-modernity copies and does not worry. This is the essence of the paradigm, the movement, the new media. Even the mechanisms of social networks themselves are aimed at feeding you the same melody, challenge, person. As a result, you can get stuck for 5-10 minutes watching videos with Johnny Depp because you accidentally liked or watched some content with him to the end. And now it’s more important not even to be unique - this is generally the prerogative of the elite level of experts. A value unattainable for many. It's more important to be different now. You may not be the best at solving a specific client problem, but solving it well enough, but in a different way. Somehow in its own way. And now this becomes more valuable than the best, the thinnest, the very first, the fastest. We no longer need the very best. We value the other more. Here the concept of “sufficiency” also intervenes, when you become fast enough, effective enough, and people begin to pay attention to other qualities. Dentist who makes fillings. Technologies have advanced so much that even a beginner can make a simple filling, just like a specialist with many years of experience. And we begin to pay more attention to our dentist’s appearance, sense of humor, Instagram*, convenience of the office, values ​​and a bunch of other factors that are not directly related to the main service. The same with experts. You will find that there are many experts. Sometimes to capacity. And globally, it is unrealistic to be better than someone else. There is no clear assessment system. And it won't. Nobody believes the ratings. Reviews are not a determining factor, but simply a necessary one. Everything is changing too quickly. And in general, you are unlikely to really be an order of magnitude better. This is not a sport where there is a cutoff line, a finish line. Everything is too subjective. And at the moment when the client sees this panopticon of experts, the main thing is that he notices you. The first one wins. And whoever the client notices first is different. Out of the ordinary. Therefore, the second global trend is not to be better, but to be different. Of course, maintaining sufficient quality. That's all for today. We will definitely continue our column on the future expert market. In the future. I wish you well and victories!* Instagram belongs to Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
