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I recently came across an interesting parable. The day before his birth, the child said to God: “I don’t know why I’m going into this world and what I should do there.” “I will give you an angel,” God answered, “he will explain everything to you and teach you everything.” “What is the name of this angel?” – the child asked again. “You will call him “Mom.” Indeed, every child sooner or later has a question not just about where he came from, but WHY he came from - the question about the meaning of his life. Most parents who were asked the question : “What will you answer to a child if he asks you why I was born?” They were simply horrified: “We need to raise a child in such a way that he doesn’t ask such questions!” or: “We need to teach children to be more merciful so that they don’t offend their parents with such questions.” But in reality, a child receives an answer about the meaning of human life in general and his own in particular not through the words of his parents, but through observation of their life and the style of education that they practice in relation to him day after day. Some parents, for example, They view their children as the biggest burden, so they deliberately push their children away. “Parents should have healthy parental indifference! – one mother once told me. “There is no point in fussing over the child, let him immediately get used to independence.” This approach, as a rule, leads to serious psychological problems and mental retardation of the child. For example, one mother put her infant boy to bed for the whole day in front of the TV, which became his only interlocutor. As a result, by the age of six, he looked like a three-year-old, and any questions were always answered with the same answer - several television advertising texts. Despite subsequent intensive treatment in a psychiatric hospital, he was never able to catch up with the development of his peers, although he was born a completely healthy child. Another category of parents are parents who concentrate all their attention on providing for their children financially. Their strategy is to protect the child from possible financial difficulties in the future. Moreover, this approach is followed not only by wealthy, but by no means wealthy parents, but for another reason - this is an attempt to prove to themselves and others that they are not bad. As one mother said: “Even though I don’t have winter shoes myself, my child will always be dressed and shod like new.” However, it is the process of overcoming difficulties, which in this case children are deprived of, that is capable of making them mature individuals. So what will happen to them in adulthood? Once at the entrance to the house I read an advertisement: “Do you want your child’s life to be successful? We are ready to reveal to you a universal formula: how to keep your child busy and achieve the maximum!” This information is for parents who want to invest the maximum in their child for his future successes and achievements. They, so to speak, want to make him competitive in comparison with other children of the same age, so that he becomes the best, and therefore in demand, highly paid, successful, happy. For this purpose, the child is sent to a music school, forced to study with a tutor and learn several foreign languages, attend sports clubs, and participate in socially useful activities. In this case, the main criterion for parents is the number of events in which their child takes part. However, the result of this whole crazy race is often the opposite of what is desired: firstly, children suffer from unbearable loads and stress, and, secondly, parents, as a rule, do not care what values ​​coaches and teachers instill in their children in clubs and sections! Undoubtedly, they will develop children, making them prodigies and geniuses, but the question is - what kind of genius will your child turn out to be: evil or good? What will his genius bring to himself, his parents and the people around him? All these and similar upbringing strategies, focused on good education, high culture,.
