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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia.” I will note that this is a situation that is often repeated in relationships, in different versions. Now at my appointment, as a sex psychologist, there was a nineteen-year-old girl from Moscow who had been living with her boyfriend for almost a year, but the passion had disappeared rather quickly. And something had to be done about this before the relationship completely fell apart. The client initially did not get much pleasure from sex. Orgasm was only from the hand, with stimulation of the clitoris, and even then in the mono version, in pair sex it was simply unattainable. The next problem in the couple also appeared: somehow there wasn’t much love right away. There was more of something reminiscent of a habit: I didn’t want to be alone, and the couple decided to live together. The guy unexpectedly proposed, but the girl did not run to the registry office. She decided that it was too boring, there was no passion, saying that: “we are both lazy at sex.” I would like to note that my client from Moscow did the right thing. Sometimes it’s worth understanding: there really is some need for marriage, or you should wait and not rush to radically solve the problem. I asked: has the girl ever loved before, did she have passion, and more vivid sex? - The girl noted that: yes, indeed, she had feelings for the guy who later left her, and despite the fact that she is little sensitive in sex, love for him brought her to the brink of orgasm, and it almost happened, but... soon the couple broke up, in the end the desired orgasm never happened, but the girl remembered this state, and she would like to reproduce it again. First, you need to remove the link between orgasm and a specific guy and depersonalize it, making it more of your achievement, from the series: “it turns out I can...” Further, there are various kinds of techniques from NLP that allow you to see your current partner in a new, more favorable light, and even partially transfer the criteria of the guy for whom you had feelings to your current partner. This will also, in principle, be the topic of our future work. And now, we have considered the situation: “I don’t know how to relax.” The girl pulled out the excess tension. Next, we changed the couple’s perception of each other, adding more understanding, and eliminating minor problematic negative nuances in the relationship, adding more relaxation, positivity and overall comfort to the client. After that, we intensified the aspect of caresses in a couple, lengthening the foreplay, and the girl received a recommendation from me, as a psychologist-sexologist, that she should have sex only when she is in an excited state. This will help reduce the client’s problems with anorgasmia and frigidity. Next, I further aligned my client from Moscow in terms of perception of her partner. We removed the negative aspects: his touchiness, despoticism, tension and holding the child. And in the girl herself, fatigue, boredom, dull eyes, indifference to sex, and lack of motivation to have sex were eliminated. That's all the psychotherapy that was carried out by me as a family psychologist, psychotherapist and sexologist this time. PS This article is fictitious and has nothing to do with real characters.
