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From the author: Andragogs and non-formal education I have been looking at informal education for a long time, because in essence trainings are what they are :) about my trainings - today we once again remembered andragogs. They agreed that the word does not sound. But you can’t remove the words from the song... Although you can use the terms “adult pedagogy”, “theory of adult education”... Therefore, andragogy - to the studio! For reference: Andragogy (gr. andros - adult, man; agogein - to lead) - a section of the theory of learning that reveals the specific patterns of mastering knowledge and skills by an adult subject of educational activity, as well as the features of the management of this activity by a professional teacher. An andragogist is, in fact, a person who participates in the process of adult education. Ideally, the process is continuous and lasts a lifetime. Actually, live and learn... Nevertheless, in Belarus the state pays attention to this area. Maybe not as much as the activists would like, and not enough... but it’s fishing! The Academy of Postgraduate Education is on the topic and there are even teaching aids. There is also an official version: The Education Code, which came into force on September 1, for the first time pays attention to adult education. Androgogy as a science of adult learning has not yet become widespread in Belarus. But the first steps in this direction have already been taken. For two years, specialists from Serbia, Poland, Germany and Belarus, within the framework of the project “Lifelong Education: A Model Program for the Training of Androgogs,” based on foreign experience, developed the program. They prepared a special training manual, which will become a scientific guide for the first androgogs in Belarus. The authors of the textbook were both experts from the Academy of Postgraduate Education, on the basis of which the course was tested, and representatives of Belarusian non-governmental organizations. – Other advanced training courses that are practiced in Belarus are mainly subject-based or tied to a specific methodology. They do not pay enough attention to the specifics of teaching for adults. Here we have a course program that takes into account the psychological aspects of working with adults and takes into account the features of adult education as a subsystem of education,” notes the head of the representative office of the German Association of People's Universities in Belarus, Galina Veremeychik. Education for everyone, not for narrow specialists – Advanced training is wonderful , but clearly not enough, because the educational needs of an adult are not limited to this, says Galina Veremeychik. In addition, the expert notes that today in Belarus not everyone has access to improve their qualifications. Basically, the circle of these people is limited to employees of those areas that are under the control of various ministries. The rest, for example, representatives of non-governmental organizations, if they want to study, have to pay for quite expensive courses. In other European countries, this issue is being addressed through the development of a public adult education system. In Germany, for example, any resident of the country can enroll in such a program. It will not be free, but since there are government subsidies, including tax subsidies, the courses will cost 2-3 times less than the services of private training companies. This is the state policy of adult education, based on the support of different groups of the population. “This project is really important for Belarus,” confirms the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Additional Education and Enlightenment, Candidate of Historical Sciences Dmitry Karpievich. – Until now, very little attention has been paid to this at the higher education level in Belarus. Meanwhile, it is necessary to train those who teach adults, the expert notes. People with higher education strive for knowledge. If before this Belarusians managed without such a profession as androgogist, will this manual find application?.
