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From the author: Human capital as an object of scientific and psychological research and secret undercover operational work. Personnel decide everything. But their decisions may not always please us. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The goal of business is to achieve results. The purpose of personnel is to be a reliable and well-managed means of achieving this. The parameters of the results are determined by the owners of the company and the management hierarchy in accordance with the distribution of powers between them. Personnel perform their duties best when they are provided with appropriate supervision appropriate to their maturity and based on sound scientific evidence. Personnel supervision includes a detailed system of material and non-material motivation, corporate and management culture, ergonomics and logistics of working time, internal and external training, and adequate feedback. Periodic personnel surveys are an integral part of feedback. In the absence of such feedback, feedback is lost, which leads to a decrease in efficiency up to loss of controllability. In accordance with this, the right decision would be to develop and conduct extensive research activities for the organization, followed by drawing up a detailed analytical report. This will contribute to the further optimization of corporate culture and business process culture, the growth of real and objective awareness of the management team about the current state of affairs, and will serve as the basis for developing further decisions. PROCEDURAL CONSIDERATIONS When conducting personnel research, it seems most important to maintain the principle of objectivity and authenticity of the data collected. Without this, any method of their subsequent processing will be futile. If distortions occur in the process of collecting factual information, the result of the research will most likely turn out to be crooked, which will undoubtedly deprive the event of any value, and may even contribute to causing harm. In order to avoid such distortions, we consider it important to specify their nature. It has three main roots: a formal approach, vaguely defined research goals, and the desire to impress the customer. The formal approach is to act head-on where workarounds are needed. That is, in actions that do not take into account the mechanisms of the individual psyche and group dynamics. In this case, observation will destroy or distort the observed process itself. Vaguely defined research goals arise from a formal approach to the process of negotiating the parameters of a research program. As a result of the illusion of understanding that arises in such cases, the research turns out to be aimed at objects that are very far from the actual interests of the customer, or, on the contrary, at those that are desirable and curious, but do not carry key information for understanding. It is unnecessary to talk about the detrimental role of the desire to make a good impression, since the issue is extremely clear. In connection with the above, it seems important to comply with three conditions, which together can ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the research. First, this is carried out by a team of attracted specialists who are not dependent on the customer in terms of service. Second, it is conducting research through indirect and non-formal means. Third, this is an exhaustive and open negotiation process on the parameters and objectives of the upcoming study. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS First of all, it seems to us important to avoid the above-mentioned distorting observation, which by its presence affects the process under study. This situation, when the observer influences the observed by the very fact of observation, is well known to specialists in the field of quantum physics, and is even more clear and relevant in the study of living systems. Moreover, systems with observation, consciousness, and developed group norms. In accordance with this, such a study, in whole or in a significant part, should.
